Skinny people do not weigh themselves



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I weigh twice a the morning and again before bed, and I never 'freak out' over a pound, and don't let the number I see ruin my day, but I do try to learn from it, and it helps me understand how certain foods or other events effect my actual weight (like high-sodium water retention, TOM, etc...).

    I guess it you're going to let it make or break your day, you should definitely do it only once a week...but there's no 'one size fits all' recommendation for how often you should weigh yourself.

    EDIT - If anything...I weighed myself a LOT less when I was at my heaviest weight...mostly because I was living in denial and didn't want to know how far out of control I had gotten!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I don't care what skinny people do, I care what healthy people do. My aim isn't to be skinny, it's to be healthy.

    I like this sentence.

    If weighing myself everyday keeps me mindful of what I'm doing WITHOUT obsession, then that's what I'll continue to do. I will not wake up one day and say, "Suddenly I realized I gained 20 pounds!"
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    When I am at maintenance (until I get preggo .....again!!!) is I use how my pants feel. If I get a bit thight, I start logging again....I do not go and buy bigger pants!!!!. That was I am able to stay in the same 3 pounds.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I rarely weigh myself, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

    I like to monitor/ measure my progress so If I wanted to lose weight I'd weigh myself more frequently.
    I get weighed at my annual doctor's visit or at my local grocery store (when the scale's not covered with kids playing on it or people weighing suitcases..


    I bought a scale recently but it doesn't work, $10 special at Walgreen's so I didn't expect much. I DO notice how my clothes fit and I look in the mirror when I pass it though, so I'm still monitoring. :wink:

    **That's me on the scale. :laugh: Kidding, but what IS that? A little egg person?
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have never heard of skinny people not weighing themselves. It's more "people that don't care about their weight don't weigh themselves" and they probably still weigh themselves sometimes just out of curiosity. I used to just weigh myself if I happened to be in a bank or store that had a scale and never really cared about the number.
  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    I have the same daily morning routine...wake up, use the restroom, put in my contacts, brush my teeth, turn on the shower and weigh myself while I brush my teeth and wait for the water to get warm. This just helps me keep myself in check. I'm 5'7, 138.8 as of this morning and a size 2. I'm trying to lose some lbs and tighten and tone and this just helps keep me mindful. I'm not going to lie, I love my sweets and even though I burn calories working out its easy to go overboard. This just helps me realize when I may need to ease up on the cupcakes or something.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    Every time I stop weighing myself I gain weight. I've finally adopted a long-term goal to get to goal weight and maintain it for a year, then i'll figure it out from there. I know it will involve weighing.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    People who are not interested in their weight, don't weigh themselves.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I am 5'5" and 118 pounds - and I weigh myself a few times a week. I must be a bad skinny person then.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Honestly, the number on the scale is pretty meaningless. Who's healthier, a 5'4 woman that weighs 110 pounds and has 35% body fat, or a 5'4 woman who weighs 140 pounds with 18% body fat? Same with a male, a 6' tall man weighing 180 pounds with 25% body fat, or a 6' tall man that weighs 220 pounds with 9% body fat?

    I'm here to lower my bodyfat and improve my overall health. The number on the scale is meaningless to me. If I weigh 150 pounds when I reach my goal body fat, or 190 pounds, it doesn't matter.

    For the record, I'm a 5'7" male, according to BMI charts I should weigh 140-160 or so. According to body fat calculations, I should weigh about 180 or so.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Skinny people don't weigh themselves because they aren't monitoring their weight...

    Are you kidding? How do you think they got or stay skinny? By monitoring their weight. It's not an accident for most people.

    What's really interesting is how on a site like this we refer to "people who are of normal weight and have a healthy attitude about food" as "skinny" and that the only way they "got there" was to "diet down" like we're all doing.

    And so to the second quote~ they were born that way, hon. I know it's hard to believe.......
  • krissykross
    I rarely weigh myself, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

    I like to monitor/ measure my progress so If I wanted to lose weight I'd weigh myself more frequently.
    I get weighed at my annual doctor's visit or at my local grocery store (when the scale's not covered with kids playing on it or people weighing suitcases..


    I bought a scale recently but it doesn't work, $10 special at Walgreen's so I didn't expect much. I DO notice how my clothes fit and I look in the mirror when I pass it though, so I'm still monitoring. :wink:

    **That's me on the scale. :laugh: Kidding, but what IS that? A little egg person?

    Looks like a little Adipose!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Looks like a little Adipose!

    WAT? :wink:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I was thinking it might be the doughboy without his hat. :smile:
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Skinny people don't weigh themselves because they aren't monitoring their weight...

    Are you kidding? How do you think they got or stay skinny? By monitoring their weight. It's not an accident for most people.

    What's really interesting is how on a site like this we refer to "people who are of normal weight and have a healthy attitude about food" as "skinny" and that the only way they "got there" was to "diet down" like we're all doing.

    And so to the second quote~ they were born that way, hon. I know it's hard to believe.......

    It IS hard to believe, because you are SO wrong. It's easy for overweight people to believe that all skinny people were born that way because then it gives them an excuse for they themselves not being thin. I am thin - there is NO way I would be thin if I didn't work my *kitten* off and watch what I put in my mouth.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Skinny people don't weigh themselves because they aren't monitoring their weight...

    Are you kidding? How do you think they got or stay skinny? By monitoring their weight. It's not an accident for most people.

    What's really interesting is how on a site like this we refer to "people who are of normal weight and have a healthy attitude about food" as "skinny" and that the only way they "got there" was to "diet down" like we're all doing.

    And so to the second quote~ they were born that way, hon. I know it's hard to believe.......

    It IS hard to believe, because you are SO wrong. It's easy for overweight people to believe that all skinny people were born that way because then it gives them an excuse for they themselves not being thin. I am thin - there is NO way I would be thin if I didn't work my *kitten* off and watch what I put in my mouth.

    I'm not you, I've been trying to gain weight for 27 years. I'm here for fitness, not weight loss, but I still struggle to achieve the body composition and conditioning that many of you do. I do have several friends and family members that have always been thin, they don't weigh themselves and probably don't know or care how many calories are in a given food. Genetic, maybe? Is it really so hard to believe that what you weigh is any different than being a certain height or having the same body structure as a relative? Some of us are just thin. :smile:
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Skinny people don't weigh themselves because they aren't monitoring their weight...

    Are you kidding? How do you think they got or stay skinny? By monitoring their weight. It's not an accident for most people.

    What's really interesting is how on a site like this we refer to "people who are of normal weight and have a healthy attitude about food" as "skinny" and that the only way they "got there" was to "diet down" like we're all doing.

    And so to the second quote~ they were born that way, hon. I know it's hard to believe.......

    It IS hard to believe, because you are SO wrong. It's easy for overweight people to believe that all skinny people were born that way because then it gives them an excuse for they themselves not being thin. I am thin - there is NO way I would be thin if I didn't work my *kitten* off and watch what I put in my mouth.

    I'm not you, I've been trying to gain weight for 27 years. I'm here for fitness, not weight loss, but I still struggle to achieve the body composition and conditioning that many of you do. I do have several friends and family members that have always been thin, they don't weigh themselves and probably don't know or care how many calories are in a given food. Genetic, maybe? Is it really so hard to believe that what you weigh is any different than being a certain height or having the same body structure as a relative? Some of us are just thin. :smile:

    Right. Which is why I said in my original post that "it's not an accident for most people". MOST, meaning NOT ALL.
  • Moeincognito
    Me and my sister are weightloss buddies and our neighbour and our mum have joined us, and we all weigh ourselves together every Friday! :D
  • Bluestar083
    Skinny people don't weigh themselves because they aren't monitoring their weight...

    We are all skinny in my family. We all weigh ourselves.
    When I am at my usual weight I might only do it once a fortnight.
    My Mum who has been 52kg since high school weighs herself every week and if it creeps up a kg she nips it in the bud and cuts out chocolate and dessert until it;s by the next week :)