Getting Ready to Be a Mrs!

Hey everyone!

I just got into this about a week ago and I love it so far. I have been losing weight for a little over a year now and have lost about 50 pounds total so far. I love it, I have so much more self confidence! My boot camp has played the biggest role in that. I have learned so much and made such amazing improvements since I started going... plus I am ALOT more active because of it. Life is awesome.

Anyway, I sort of hit a plateau and got a little lax in my discipline about 2 months ago and I've decided that I needed to get back into serious mode about this... mostly because I am getting married in about a year from now and I want to be at a happy weight by then. I should have no problem doing that, but having the calorie counter and accountability of friends on here REALLY keeps me in check.

Good luck to all of you and keep up the good work! :)



  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 84 Member

    I'm also getting married soon!! Those pictures are the scariest part about it for me!! I've lost 35 lbs, but only 10 w myfitnesspal. I have been singing the praises of myfitnesspal to anyone who will listen. I, too, credit Boot Camp with getting me into better shape. :) Thanks for posting! Mind if I add you to my list of friends?
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    Congrats! I got married 4 months ago. It was a blast though. I never worked out so hard. I wore a strapless Maggie Sottero gown that had a corset bodice (check out my profile pic). I focused on my arms and tummy because I bought the dress before I started to lose weight. My best advice, get a corset because you don't have to worry about losing or gaining and not being able to fit in your gown! And you don't have to pay to get it altered! Believe it or not, keep your workouts simple, such as push ups and sit ups. You don't want to bulk up before your wedding. My arms shrinked due to push ups and plank worked both my abs and arms/back. Good luch and congratulations. Let me know if you need any wedding advice (been there, done that!!!!)
  • lmcmommy13
    lmcmommy13 Posts: 9 Member
    Not at all! I can always use more support and I love encouraging others, so feel free to add away! Congrats to you, that's awesome!! Boot camp is great and so is this program... you just don't realize how much you're taking in until you have it right in front of your face, haha.

    Congrats again and keep it up! :)
  • lmcmommy13
    lmcmommy13 Posts: 9 Member

    Wow, congrats! Your profile pic looks great, that is a beautiful dress from what I can see! Thanks for the advice, I will take all I can get. The corset are the ones I like the most, so that works out perfectly! Yes, I am definitely starting to focus more on my arms and back because I want a similar style.

    Hope you are enjoying the married life and congrats again!
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks. I'm absolutely in love with that dress. I wish I could wear it again and again but then I'd be that weird person who can get over her wedding day or something. lol. Married life is great but it would be so much better if I hadn't gained 25 lbs! The funny thing is, I never realized how good I looked until I let it slip away. I didn't have motivation after I got married and let myself go. Now, I'm trying to get myself back! I hope you can stay strong after you get married and not fall into this pit I'm in. The hardest thing is keeping up with yourself on the honeymoon. I didn't do a thing and ate all the time. NOT good!!!! Keep up this motivation you have right now. When times get hard, look back at these posts and remember how much you wanted this for yourself. It helps!
  • lmcmommy13
    lmcmommy13 Posts: 9 Member
    Well, I already told my fiance that I wanted to dress up in our wedding attire on our anniversary every year and go out, haha! Weird, yes, but it would be hilarious and fun. I appreciate the warning, I plan to stick to it after the honeymoon! I will be staying on here, so hopefully all of the encouragement will help me avoid gaining the newlywed pounds. I was never fit growing up, I was always overweight, so this is all new for me. I can't imagine ever going back to the way I was, but I hope not to gain anything back at all!

    Thanks for the support and you'll be doen with those 25 pounds in no time, girl! Looking forward to a new profile pic back in your wedding dress!