Question for those that have lost a lot of weight so far.



  • I lost a lot of weight very quickly (about 65 lbs. in 4 mos.) awhile back and I did have the saggy skin. Strength training helped a lot for me. I am 20 lbs. from my lowest ever weight right now, and I don't have a big issue with it right now, as it is coming off more slowly.
  • mjac1998
    mjac1998 Posts: 15
    i have found that just plain "old walking" does the trick. I spent tons of money at a gym, but just recently put my tennis shoes on and hit the road... and i'll tell you, the skin is looking better, the inches are drooping, and im saving MONEY!!
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    I don't think people can help you with whether you will have saggy skin or not.. every body is different. But generally I agree, the more you have to lose and the faster you want to lose it, the more likely you are to have saggy skin.
    But there are people who lose a lot very fast and don't have it, and there are people who lose 20 lbs over a long period of time who have it. Sadly, it always just depends on the body.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    There are a lot of factors I think.

    For me I had a baby at 21..and remained pretty much overweight to fat since then (I am 41 now)

    I yo yo'd 20-30lb probably 5x...getting to my highest of appx 205 (not sure I wouldn't weigh)

    I have lost almost 50 over the last 15 months...and the only time I see "saggy skin" is if I haven't drank enough water.

    The first 25 went fast (they always did those other 3-5x) with no exercise, the last bit I have lost at on average 3/4lb a week, using resistence training and now weight lifting...

    So yo yo'd, 20 years and no sag...lots of stretch marks..from growth as a teen ager, pregnancy and being fat.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Most of my saggy skin eventually went away, especially after I started lifting weights and staying hydrated.

    I can't believe I don't have a waddle after losing my double double chin. But it looks normal! Only place I really have extra skin left is a bit in the under arm/triceps region, and then a tiny sag in the former FUPA region, and the girls... Well... They've never recovered....

    But I'd much rather have that than weigh 240 lbs and have diabetes and high bp, etc.