Hello from Oklahoma

bw7286 Posts: 12 Member
Hi everyone,

I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks now and think I've finally gotten into a groove of recording everything I'm doing. I've spent some time on the boards and in the blogs, and wow...what a wealth of information and support!!

A little about me...I'm 43 and have an 18 year old senior in high school. (yikes!) I'm from a little town in southwest Oklahoma, and I'm the Medical Staff Coordinator at our local hospital...and while sometimes insanely crazy, I love my job and the people/physicians I work with.

My weight as always been an issue for me, and I tend to be an emotional eater. Honestly, when I get down to it...I hide behind my weight to keep people at a distance. And that's actually funny in a sense, because I've always been very outgoing, the funny girl, and everyone's best friend. But without getting overly sappy, I find that while at work and with my friends I'm go go go...at home I tend to feel very alone and that's when I eat.

Anyway...I have a LOT to lose. I'm 5'5 and my CW is 290. My highest ever was 319. In March of 2010 I was diagnosed with a heart condition and underwent several tests, and on May 5, 2010 I had 2 stents placed in my LAD and circumflex...otherwise known as the "widow maker". If that's not scary, I don't know what is! The upside to all of this is I quit smoking and haven't had one since Feburary 19, 2010...the day I thought I was having a heart attack and vowed to never smoke again!! ('Course, it took me another month to see the doctor...but that's a story for a different day.)

The bottom line is...if I could kick a 20+ year smoking habit, and have the ever loving crap scared of me by the widow maker...surely I can get this weight off, right? It's my time...I HAVE to do this. I need help, support, and friends on my journey.

Thanks for reading,


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome...feel free to add me!
  • rkartokhin
    Hello from Ohio!
  • MartiJJohnston
    Hello back from Oklahoma (Tulsa)! I'd say that you're off to a great start Beth. You and I have some similarities besides our age. I'm also an emotional eater (and drinker). I would do well at work during the day, but as soon as I get home (alone - my hubby is in the Navy stationed in VA) I'd either eat away my sorrows or drink them away. Then I'd get depressed cause I should have been spending my time doing laundry or cleaning and instead I was parked on the couch...

    Anyway... MFP is definitely a great place to find support. I love it here! Feel free to friend me if you want!

    Good luck!
  • TinaS70
    TinaS70 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello, I just started today but from what I have seen this looks like a great place to be...I am from Arkansas and would love to have you as a friend and support each other with the weight lose journey...I also use to be a smoker and have been smoke free for 5 years now..two years ago i was found to have some heart issues and now see a heart dr every 6 months and take med's daily for heart issues..wish you all the best....
