Dear Fat, I'm Breaking up with You

Dear Fat,

We've been together for quite some time but I'm writing to tell you that I'm breaking up with you. It's not me, it's you. You been bringing me down, depressing me and making me look bad in front of my friends. You've made me abandon all my fun clothes to spend more time with you. All my friends keep telling me you're no good for me and I've finally decided to listen to them.

I know those late nights with Ben and Jerry were fun, but they're over now. I've changed and moved on. Plus, I'm starting to see someone else. Yes, I'm seeing Skinny Jeans and she complements me better than you ever did. Please don't beg me to come back. Don't try to tease me with gifts of pizza and chocolate and tell me it's all gonna be okay. That one more time won't matter. Its time you get off my *kitten*, and leave me alone. In most relationships, you hope for the best for the other, but I actually hope you never find anyone else.

I know you're saying, "Well, It's your loss". I truly hope it is.


The New Me

(wrote this for fun. Hope you enjoy)


  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    WTG! Fat must be feeling really bad at this point being "dumped" right and left by so many people lol :)
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    haha that's awesome! :) thanks for sharing!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Love it!
  • steveh08
    steveh08 Posts: 66 Member
    Love it. I am going to text my breakup letter to fat now.
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
  • That's awesome, a break up to be happy about !!!:laugh:
  • ROFLMAO! Maybe its time to send my "Dear Fat," letter :OP
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Was in a similar relationship and needed to end it too. Good for you!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    "Get off my *kitten*"..............LOVE that! Ha!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I LOVE IT!!!!! Giggle! BUMP In hopes that my friends read!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    LOL bump!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    This is great! Everyone should write a break-up letter to fat, especially one so funny and true. Thank you for sharing.
  • BetterWithAge
    BetterWithAge Posts: 691 Member
    I love it :)
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    love it!
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    Thanks for that...It made me laugh!:smile:
  • hahaha I love this!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Dear Fat,

    We've been together for quite some time but I'm writing to tell you that I'm breaking up with you. It's not me, it's you. You been bringing me down, depressing me and making me look bad in front of my friends. You've made me abandon all my fun clothes to spend more time with you. All my friends keep telling me you're no good for me and I've finally decided to listen to them.

    I know those late nights with Ben and Jerry were fun, but they're over now. I've changed and moved on. Plus, I'm starting to see someone else. Yes, I'm seeing Skinny Jeans and she complements me better than you ever did. Please don't beg me to come back. Don't try to tease me with gifts of pizza and chocolate and tell me it's all gonna be okay. That one more time won't matter. Its time you get off my *kitten*, and leave me alone. In most relationships, you hope for the best for the other, but I actually hope you never find anyone else.

    I know you're saying, "Well, It's your loss". I truly hope it is.


    The New Me

    (wrote this for fun. Hope you enjoy)

    OH I JUST LOVE THIS!!! I am def working on breaking up with FAT!!
  • i love it girl!!!!!
  • Myzstarr
    Myzstarr Posts: 32 Member
    lol i almost felt kinda bad for kicking fat to the curb.... not.... good job and love the breakup. lol