I dont know what im doing wrong

I had a breakdown lastnight before bed, :( very upsetting..ive worked my butt off for the past 2 weeks doing the 1st 2 weeks of the R30 by JM, Jogging up and down stairs, and doing a lil bit of tae bo, and only to be in my weigh in today to have GAINED 4lbs :( its so upsetting, to get to my goal i need to lose 10lbs, and this is becoming beyond trying. I just dont understand, i eat healthy, drink LOTS of water and workout. i dont work so i have all day doing things running around, doing errons and still no sucecess.
I found myself today looking at the fake JM Detox and Cleanse and other pills to help this process but i want it dont naturally, not putting crap in my body. But this is just beyond m y mind. Im going to continune the other 2 weeks of the R30 ive even been looking at some Jackie Warner dvds. I have pretty much zero equipment im 1hr. drive away from a gym (which i cant aford the fee anyways) I feel that everything im doing is useless, i was so happy when after my 1st week and 1/2 i lost lbs and inches i was down from 135 to 133, then boom woke up and was 137 AGAIN!! WHAT IS WRONG with me :'(


  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    What about the food your eating? You could have gained muscle...muscle was more than fat..
  • I gained 10 pounds when i started working out and eating better... then as time went by it all fell off and i lost 40 pounds and still am loosing.

    Your doing great
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    Hard to help when we cant see in your diary. Open it up so we can look, its amazing the knowlage that people have on this site. Open it up and lets take a look and see if we can help you out.

    Best of luck

    ~ Jake
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Keep at it! You're doing great! It will come off...I promise!
  • nan888
    nan888 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't lose faith. You have done so well, so far. Hang in there.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    It's possible that your muscles are strengthening, which means your weight could be fluctuating wildly but you are still getting smaller (a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat!). How are your clothes fitting? I stepped on the scale today and had gained 3 pounds, but my clothes are fitting better. Remember, weight can fluctuate due to sodium intake, water intake, water retention (is it that time of the month?), any number of things. Sometimes, too, you will truck along losing nothing, even gaining a little, only to one day suddenly have several pounds gone. How tall are you? At 135 pounds, maybe there isn't much weight to actually lose, and you just need to work on strengthening your body.

    I guess my point is, don't give up. Keep at it. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Would you consider opening up your food diary? Looking at it might give us more insight.
  • suecq09
    suecq09 Posts: 36 Member
    How much sodium is in your diet? If you are really drinking a ton of water and having a lot of sodium, it could be water weight gain. If you are working out alot - you could be gaining muscle, which we all knows, weighs more than fat. If that is the case, you'll eventually start losing again. Are you taking in enough calories each day to avoid the starvation mode for the body?

    Just some things to think about. Its very frustrating to be working so hard - and see the numbers going the wrong way. Just watch your sodium intake, your calorie intake and you should see things start moving the correct direction.
  • Would you mind opening up your diary so we could take a look at the types of food you are eating? With the amount that you are working out, my first questions would be, are you eating enough to fuel your body?
  • gail2207
    gail2207 Posts: 133
    It's most likely muscle! Give it time and do NOT give up, you will see results!!

  • I don't want to sound like an advertisement but I also wanted to drop some weight without having to rely on garbage (chemicals) to do it. I found a program that helps curb the apetite while providing good protein with supplements to help retain muscle while shedding the fat. The best part is that it's all natural, no man made junk. Let me know if you are interested, just trying to be careful with what I post. Hang in there and good luck.
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    You are probably gaining muscle.. try adding just 30-40 minutes of cardio to your routine instead of muscle building routines, although the muscle building will eventually turn into major calorie burning material for you! I have been going hard for nearly 7 weeks and had a lot of up and down progress on weight loss... this week I changed up my routine and have lost nearly 3 pounds by concentrating on the cardio for a bit.. when that stagnates then I will go back to JM 30 Day Shred and work on the muscle building again!

    Don't give up and don't psych yourself.. but hang in there!

    BTW.. I have been told for 3 weeks that my SO noticed changes, small but changes... he said I was firming up a lot so I am pretty sure my muscle tone was accountable for 2 weeks of no loss. Proven this week by sweating off with cardio now..lol :flowerforyou:
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    The smaller you get, the harder it is to continue losing. Judging from your weight-loss ticker, you have already lost quite a bit.

    Also, sometimes when you start a new workout routine that your body is not used to, it will retain extra water in your muscles to help them recover. That could be a reason for your gain. Just keep plugging away and don't get discouraged!!

    Have you ever tried zig-zagging calories? I have never tried it, so I cannot explain it well. From what I understand, you alternate days where you are over and then under your calorie limit. I have read quite a few posts about people who use this method to break through plateaus. Just some ideas. Good luck!!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Contrary to what has been posted, you are not gaining muscle at this stage of the game.

    What is likely happening is that your body is not used to exercise and your muscles are temporarily retaining water. This is completely normal and will subside.

    Also, if this is your second week in, you'll need to give your body time to adjust before you start seeing results; somewhere in the 4-6 week time frame.

    Keep doing what you're doing and don't despair, it will happen.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    4lbs of mucle in 2 weeks? Come on people.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Contrary to what has been posted, you are not gaining muscle at this stage of the game.

    What is likely happening is that your body is not used to exercise and your muscles are temporarily retaining water. This is completely normal and will subside.

    Also, if this is your second week in, you'll need to give your body time to adjust before you start seeing results; somewhere in the 4-6 week time frame.

    Keep doing what you're doing and don't despair, it will happen.

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Contrary to what has been posted, you are not gaining muscle at this stage of the game.

    What is likely happening is that your body is not used to exercise and your muscles are temporarily retaining water. This is completely normal and will subside.

    Also, if this is your second week in, you'll need to give your body time to adjust before you start seeing results; somewhere in the 4-6 week time frame.

    Keep doing what you're doing and don't despair, it will happen.

    YES....listen to this - its an intelligent, honest response. You haven't been at it that long, and it takes time for your body to adjust to the changes.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    4lbs of mucle in 2 weeks? Come on people.

  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Contrary to what has been posted, you are not gaining muscle at this stage of the game.

    What is likely happening is that your body is not used to exercise and your muscles are temporarily retaining water. This is completely normal and will subside.

    Also, if this is your second week in, you'll need to give your body time to adjust before you start seeing results; somewhere in the 4-6 week time frame.

    Keep doing what you're doing and don't despair, it will happen.
