Geting off my butt!

Well I decided I have to do something after I had to buy a pair of jeans in a larger size that I had been previously buying. I think I was just in denial and having a pity party about my weight. Thus I have decided to get off my butt and do something about this horrible 30lbs I have gained over the past year or so due to just pure laziness! My hope is that I will be able to find a healthier lifestyle that will help me get in shape and lose the 30lbs.

My weakness is anything fried!


  • CarrieJ85
    CarrieJ85 Posts: 106 Member
    I too love fried things, expecially with a side of ranch!! :)
  • LosingIt2WIN
    LosingIt2WIN Posts: 63 Member
    You have taken the first step! You have identified the problem and are taking steps to correct it. I am in the same boat. Had TOO good of a time this past summer and it shows. I am renewing my commitment to exercise daily (twice a day most days). I already feel better and have quickly shed 5 pounds. You can do it too!
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Welcome! ooh...that's my weakness too! I dont have a sweet tooth, but LOVE fried food - and have a brother who i frequently hang out with who has a deep fryer does not help!!!!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    Great now I want some Extra Crispy Chicken from KFC, your not alone welcome.