I my first 10lbs !!!!!

Hey Everybody!!!!!

I've been on Myfitnesspal (MFP) for a couple months now and it has been very encouraging to see some of the successes of others. I haven't been tracking my meals as consistently as I should, but I have decided to get back on track and get to my goals. I work part-time at Lane Bryant and I ran into a lady that inspired me. She told me that she had lost some weight, and when I asked her how she told me that she was on MFP. I got the chills because I too was on MFP, but I wasn't working it like I could be.

After a little over a month of not logging my meals, I decided that I needed to face this reality and figure out where I was on the scale. To my surprise I lost 3 more pounds. I am thankful because I could have gained. I have been walking everyday and I want to up my work-out game so I can really get the pounds down.

If anyone has any tips, I would really appreciate them.

I am encouraged by you all,



  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I started my workout routine with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's 30 minutes, at home, and requires little to no equipment. It's a tough workout that mixes cardio, abs and strength training. I lost weight and inches and it was a quick success that motivated me to continue. Good luck!
  • kimbk1
    kimbk1 Posts: 38 Member
    what a cool story. Im proud for you. Who knew that you would lose 3 lbs without tracking? I would have gained 100!! lol wtg!
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Hi Cortney! I dont know how much advice I can give, I struggle every day with making the right choices and exercising. I can say, if you work the MFP tools, make some effort to move everyday if you can, and get back up every time you fall, You Can Do This. I sometimes have trouble with the food tracking but if you can use the phone app it really helps. It onky takes a couple of minutes to log what you just ate after a meal.Doing so really does give you an idea of where you are overeating, what your patterns of binging are, what you eat compulsively, etc. Before long, you can see where your problems are and make some changes. My friends are real workout goddesses and they keep me motivated (I dont want to be the only one not burning that fat!). I use Wii fit (surprisingly fun exercise for the motivationally challenged!!), walk, have an ET I love/hate. My point? You Can Do This. I sent you a freind invite so we can cheer each other on (and kick one another in the pants for slacking!)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Congrats! I started my fitness journey on my own, had lost about 10 lbs when I found MFP. I just love it here - I was making it SO much harder than it has to be. Now it's really easy & fun. I love checking in with my mfp crew every day, learning from them & the amazing encouragement. I could NEVER have come so far without them.
    I also used 30 day shred for a jump start. I thought it would be too hard for me at first so I started out walking & trying to tone up. Then in June I just decided, what the heck, june has 30 days- I'll try it. It's not hard - challenging yes but all exercises you've done in gym class (at least level 1 is - you learn as you go)
    I suggest you try LOTS of exercises. Try what mfp friends are doing and eventually you'll find something you enjoy.

    keep up the good work & have fun!
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