Need Motivation

Ok I'm so far off from dieting and exercising this week that it's not even funny. I need some motivation stat. I feel like I'm drowning in bad decision after bad decision. Help!!!


  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    hang in there! dnt give up! Sometimes during this journey we all feel or go through this!
  • Kincaid3580
    Look ahead rather than behind. Set your goals and make it happen. I occasionally fall off the wagon (ok, well, its more like jump, land in a rocket, and take off as fast as I can from the wagon) BUT consistency is the key. Just make sure you get back on track. Everyone will have a bad day now and again but it is how you handle it AFTER the fact and to never lose sight of your goals. You can do it!
  • ashreneeknutson
    ME TOO!!! I've felt that way for the last couple of weeks! I chalk it up to stress.
    I've just decided that beginning on Monday, all of that changes. I'm challenging myself to lose around 15 lbs in the next 4 weeks!!! If you'd like to add me as a motivational friend, please feel free. :happy:
  • VashCrowley
    I'm here to gain and I'm in the same boat. It's equally hard cutting and adding to a calorie count. I've been avoiding eating... not because I don't want to, but because I'm too lazy to actually cook. I know I need to eat to gain, but I've been letting my procrastination get the best of me. What I'm planning on doing to motivate myself is taking a full body shot of myself and putting on the frame of my bedroom door. Every time I see it, it will be a kick in the butt to myself to follow MFP instead of just saying "Eh, too lazy". Just know that you can do it.

    A quote to remember as well:

    A failure establishes only this-- that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.
  • simber79
    simber79 Posts: 7 Member
    Girl, I know exactly how you feel. I've been lured by the 'food devil' for the past 2 days! lol! With being southern, everyone around me celebrates with FOOD. I fell off the wagon and could use a good 'pick me up' as well. I'm walking right along with you...and I agree with Kinkaid's comment above mine. Keep moving forward, let us not dwell on yesterday's bad decisions...for today we make a change. =) Good luck!!!
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    So why did you come to myfitnesspal? What are your mini goals? What are your treats for said mini goals? My mini goals are 3 lbs down by november 15th and at goal weight by january first (another 5 lbs). Once I hit my november 15th goal, I get a new workout outfit. Once I hit my goal weight I get a pedicure. This is what keeps me motivated and remembering why I am here. I am here to get healthy, to stay healthy, and never EVER see that dreaded number I saw on the scale in April. So remember why you joined, think of whats going to keep you here, whats going to keep you motivated. Put those goals on the fridge or on your mirror so everytime you go there you know what the point is to it all.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    bad days and weeks happen. the important thing is to learn why you had a letdown and avoid the stumbling block next time. Refocus on your goals. remember, we are human...we have letdowns...and we are capable of learning from our letdowns.

    take a look at my will power blog for a little more along these lines. have a great week starting tomorrow!
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks to everyone for replying to my post. Your words of encouragment do help. I'm trying to think more positive. :smile: