Loss per Week Setting

In my profile, I had set to lose 2 lbs per week (which set me at 1200 calories a day) for the last few months. I find that 1200 calories has been hard to maintain. Has anyone upped their calories to either 1.5 lbs per week loss (1250ish calories for me) or even 1 lb per week loss (1500 calories for me) and been happy with the results? I'm going to try it for a week or two and see, but thought I'd get some feedback.


  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Your weekly loss goal should be based on your BMI. Unless you're obese, 2lbs per week is hard to achieve.

    If you're overweight, 1lb per week is usually a good goal.

    If you're 15lb or less from your goal weight, 0.5lb per week is best.

    Definitely try the 1lb per week option. Your body is probably telling you you're not eating enough.

    For personal reference, I didn't start losing on MFP until I dropped to 0.5lb per week (joined when I had 20lbs left to go). 1lb per week was too few calories for me. 0.5lb keeps me on a slow and steady loss.
  • brooke4fitness
    brooke4fitness Posts: 39 Member
    I set mine for 1/2 pd/week, and I've been happy. You have to set your expectations though and not compare yourself to others. I wanted something I could stick with long-term.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I have always kept my setting at 1 lb per week. I eat back most of my exercise calories, too (within reason) I will change to 1/2 a lb soon.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I have ONLY ever been set at 1 pound per week or .5 pound per week. I have lost about 28 pounds, with 30-40 being my goal. Granted during this time I was also training for a half marathon and I was just on plan maintanance for a while. I like eating too much to do anything lower and in all honesty I don't think it is worth it. If it is hard to maintain than you are just going to have a couple days here and there where you goof up and thats going to mess up everything. I prefer to know I am successful everyday and still lose the weight!