I don't know what happened.

I started off so dedicated and passionate about my new lifestyle and it showed I lost 12 pounds and 10 inches almost immediately, but these past two weeks have been so hard! I just fell of the wagon somewhere along the way of becoming the newer and healthier me. I blame school, but that isn't an excuse to not find time to go to the gym and work regularly. I blame it on not being supported by my friends and family, but I know thats not true. I think I am frustrated that after 12 pounds 10 inches I didn't look any different, I didn't feel any different...
I hate that I am giving up on myself... and I just need some help, please?


  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this! I have been feeling the same way these past couple of days! Sometimes I can't understand why it's taking so long and I have to stop and make myself realize that this weight problem didn't just materialize overnight or even in just one month, and it sure isn't going to go away overnight! I run out of patience and think, "what the heck, I may as well just eat what I want and as much as I want and forget about trying to be healthy!" Then someone like you voices almost the same thing I have been feeling, and I realize I'm not alone! Thanks for motivating me to be patient and stay with the program. I hope you will stay with it, too, cuz in the long run it will work out as it should. There are so many inspirational stories on here from people who have been at it for 1, 2 and even 3 years. We can't give up now. It would be a slap in the face to all the people who have been so encouraging and who are counting on us to stay with it. Best wishes to you on continuing the journey. Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • dashbeaujippers
    dashbeaujippers Posts: 104 Member
    Hi. I have been going through a similar situation. I back-slided 6 lbs. I was studing for my boards, but passed, on the 13th, and still havn't gotten my sh#t together, so to speak. I keep going over on my cals. daily, and can't seem to straighten up. We can help each other if you would like...
  • Don't give up. I'm sure there is something that changed visually. I went through the same thing, but I looked through some old pictures and realized that my face looks different, my legs are slimmer, and my arms are toned. I also noticed that I can see my collar bone. These may be small changes, but you have to look for them. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing a great job. It takes a lot to lose 12 pounds.
  • Don't give up on yourself just because you've had two bad weeks! It is normal to hit a plateau every now and again. Keep pushing yourself to exercise, because if you don't no one else will. This I've learned from experience. I lost over 70 lbs 4 years ago, but as my profile name implies, I fell off the wagon. It took me tooo long to realize that my life just wasn't going to get better unless I started to believe in myself again. I am now on my way... and I'm not stopping until I hit my goal weight of 125 lbs. I have five children and a husband, and I homeschool. So trust me, I know what being tired and busy is all about. Take the time for yourself. Everyone needs to refuel. I have just changed my outlook on what refueling entails. Not over eating... but exercising! Another great idea is to get rid of the foods in your house that tempt you. If they aren't there, you can't eat them. ( This is especially true with Halloween just around the corner. Take any candy you might accumulate, put it in a bag and put it in a loved one's vehicle trunk. That way you have to consciously think about going to get it if you really want a treat.) Good luck! You always have support on MFP.
  • ok...so u r getting frustrated, thats natural it comes with weight loss, unfortuanately. u can do this its all about moving more and eating less.take baby steps if u cant do it all at once. praying helps ask GOD to help u take care of ur self. he listens. and take on some responsibility by urself also. ive been eating out alot n im still losin not alot 1.25 a week n hey thats 75lbs a year ile take it...u can do it, its not a race practice for a lifetime of healthier you..ile b ur friend if u want..im on here every day today my 30th day ive lost 8.75...we can all do this together