New. And its time for a change.

New to this site figured I'd see what it was all about. People say its pretty awesome and that they get great support here. I am trying to lose about 60 pounds. I gained a lot of weight acer a drunk driver hit me. Couldn't walk for almost a year. But its time to get these legs moving again and lose all my extra baggage. Hope everyone is doing great on their journey.:)


  • lovelar
    lovelar Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome.... it really is a fab site.... and you do get loads of encouragement and support; I'm looking to lose over 100 lbs and my friends on here are so encouraging at every little loss or activity I manage to do (I have problems with both my feet at the moment,that some days can make even walking very hard and very any little exercise I can do is a real bonus for me!)

    Feel free to "friend"me....
  • Ash091512
    Good luck!!! im also new, im on my 5th day!! If youd like to add me as a friend feel free!!! =)