Does anyone else have this problem?



  • Ashley06118

    Your doctor is the one qualified to answer this question and provide you with treatment/pain management options. Bursitis isn't that uncommon (I've had it). Rule of thumb is to ask your doctor - not a forum.

    I'm obviously not going to ask anyone on here to write a prescription for me. I was only asking about other people's experiences to see if they had this problem too. I am more than capable of getting myself to the doctor.
  • genmills2001
    I read a big long article on how people who spend a lot of time sitting have muscles in the front of the hip that tend to be overly tight when you start walking/jogging/running. They suggested a stretch where you get on both your knees on the floor, then bring one foot forward like you were about to stand up. Put both your hands on that raised knee, keep your back straight, and move your hips forward. Hold it a few seconds, then switch legs. When I started I was having a similar issue and doing this before walking made it pretty much go away.