Protein Powder...Confusion...



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    I'm doing the SlimFast diet. A friend of mine sent me a sample of Shakeology and I liked it, but couldn't afford it, so I tried to find a way to "replace" it for cheaper by buying something from the store. I just picked up SlimFast because it was cheapest, but I don't like how much sugar is in it, so I looked into protein powders, which is what I think I'll go with from now on.

    If you don't mind my asking Chris_bee05, is there a reason you're looking to replace some meals with liquids? This is a genuine question, not a sarcastic one.

    Have you tried setting a calorie and macronutrient target and hitting it, and if so, what was the result/issue with that method?

    EDIT: I just saw your "NOT" edit above. LOL. Disregard this post and enjoy your whey :)
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    It was supposed to say *not* doing the SlimFast diet, but I made a typo.

    To answer your questions though, I'm not necessarily looking to replace a meal with liquids. After my friend sent me the Shakeology sample I really liked it. I liked starting my day off with a healthy shake, and I know that particular one had a lot of "good" stuff in. Obivously I'm not a health genius and I don't have the packet in front of me, but I know it a lot of vitamins and probiotics and stuff like that. I just liked having a shake to start my day because it made me feel like I got started on the right foot which I feel helps me to stay on track the rest of the day.

    I have definitely tried setting calorie and nutrient goals which is what I've been doing thus far and it's working great. I've altered a lot of my cooking and eating habits, like cooking with cooking spray vs butter/oil, and adding a ton of veggies in replace of where I normal would have another serving of rice for example. I've cut out junk food and am having healthier snacks throught the day. I'm also drinking a TON of water and I've been working out regularly for over two months straight. Excerise has NEVER been a constant part of my life, but it is now :)
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member

    EDIT: I just saw your "NOT" edit above. LOL. Disregard this post and enjoy your whey :)

    Ok LOL I think we were typing at the same time... And I forgot to quote you, but you get the point...LOL
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far.

    One last thing and then I'll leave the unsolicited advice out of this: I would really urge you to lift weights regularly, and I don't mean the small pink ones, I mean the big iron ones. It will work wonders for you and I PROMISE YOU, you will end up with a much better looking physique than those who just lose weight via diet+cardio.

    I'm mentioning this because your original post indicated that you don't want muscles and/or that you fear you will get bulky. This isn't the case and I don't want that to deter you from training right.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    All Slim fast is is Skim milk with a bunch of stuff added to it... plus sugar. Get a whey protein isolate powder if you want a good protein powder.
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far.

    One last thing and then I'll leave the unsolicited advice out of this: I would really urge you to lift weights regularly, and I don't mean the small pink ones, I mean the big iron ones. It will work wonders for you and I PROMISE YOU, you will end up with a much better looking physique than those who just lose weight via diet+cardio.

    LOL I certainly don't mind any advice, unsolicited or otherwise, if it will be beneficial to my health goals.

    Have to LOL at "the small pink ones" because that's pretty much what I use right now, but mine are blue...3 lb-ers. LOL I just use them for my workout DVDs at home and I use 5 lb weights during cardio kickboxing class at the gym.

    I defintely wouldn't mind looking into more strength training though because I want to be healthy overall, not just "lose weight". Would getting heavier weights to use with my workout videos help or should I literally hit the weight room? LOL

    (by workout videos I mean I have the 30 Day Shred and multiple Biggest Loser ones that all require hand weights)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Would getting heavier weights to use with my workout videos help or should I literally hit the weight room? LOL

    First, to clarify, it's great what you are doing already. You're getting great exercise, losing weight, and the weights you're using will help a little, but I don't think you're going to get the necessary resistance.

    If you are able to (at some point), a weightlifting program will help above and beyond what you are currently doing.

    As you are losing weight (31lbs so far!), the absence of weight training AND the absence of adequate protein intake (I haven't checked your log so I'm being presumptuous) may cause some of that weight to come from lean mass.
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    the absence of weight training AND the absence of adequate protein intake (I haven't checked your log so I'm being presumptuous) may cause some of that weight to come from lean mass.

    That's certainly a possibility. I DO get a pretty good amount of protein (I eat peanut butter, beans, and chicken (sometimes beef), but probably not enough. I don't eat hardly any eggs...I just don't like them, plus the yolk has too much cholesterol for me (as I'm borderline "cholesterol" problem). If I do eat eggs I only have whites (I'm not sure how much omiting the yolks takes away from the protein content). I think I will definitely be looking into a protein powder tomorrow and ditching the SlimFast.

    And I want to thank you very much for your help and advice. I really appreciate it.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    And I want to thank you very much for your help and advice. I really appreciate it.

    Anytime. Good luck with your goals and keep working hard!
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member

    Anytime. Good luck with your goals and keep working hard!

    Thank you :)