Slut Files.



  • perceptualobfuscator
    I am SO CURIOUS to know why you are asking this question :laugh:

    I'm procrastinating.
    But since you asked...on the train ride home today I was watching this guy check out this girl in a mini skirt, and I started to wonder what was going through his head (besides the obvious). And then I wanted to know what made a girl a slut in the eyes of a guy.

    If I was a guy I don't think I'd judge by clothing, but more by how the girl carries herself. Her body language, eye movements, what she's doing, etc. would say so much more than what she's wearing. I knew an organic chemistry TA who dressed and acted very unprofessionally, but she had a PhD in chemistry and could explain concepts really well. Every time I judge by clothes now, I remember her and stop myself from judging. (Yes, I judge sometimes. Don't pretend you don't.)

    Also, when a guy flirts with me or something and seems like a pro at what he's doing, chances are that he flirts with everyone, and that's a major turn off. Is it the same for guys? Do they get completely turned off when this happens to them?

    I don't really see this as an issue of the girl being a slut. What you're really asking is what makes people perceive a woman as being a slut. And generally the answer to this is that he wants to have sex with her. It has nothing to do with the actual person, and more to do with how someone feels about a person. Slut is usually used as an insult - it's a derogatory term. So think about someone who hates/is jealous of/feels rejected by/is angry at another person, and that person happening to exist. There's your recipe for a slut.

    Generally, it has nothing to do with behaviour. There is no way at looking at a person and knowing their sexual behaviour - you usually have to get to know someone pretty well before they give you a detailed list of their past partners. Slut is a term used to shame people about their sexuality, regardless of whether or not they are promiscuous.

    As to the second part of your question, this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the slut label, as 'slut' is primarily used for women in a way that punishes their sexuality while celebrating men's sexuality (player, stud as positive attributes and slut, *kitten* as negative). So even if it's equality unappealing behaviour, it lacks the same connotations. A slut is someone you use and dispose of, a player is someone you give a high five to. It's a double standard, so asking if it's the same either way doesn't work.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    <---Man-slut. I'm taking it back.

    And you know a girl is a slut if I like her.

    Beats being a prude. Life is for players, not spectators.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    I love me some sluts
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Ed Hardy.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i flirt around a lot with girls i am comfortable with but i just do it for fun....maybe that's why i think this girl i like doesn't show interest in me :P