Newbie - here's hoping!

Hello new friends, I need some that can help.

I am a total failure at dieting, have hardly ever managed to lose weight. Deep down I must not really want to because most things I want, I achieve! I do desperately want to get down from to 77kg, my first goal!

Ive tried many things, never stuck to any of them and now I think I know why - I eat too much! I know that sounds really obvious but it was only until I did my profile on here and it told me to eat 1200 calories that I realised why even the 29pro points on weight watchers was too much. 1200 calories is not a lot and I dont exercise and dont want to exercise (yet)

I have been so good tracking everything on here and was good for four or five days. I think its fantastic that it projects your weight loss and thats very encouraging and also very discouraging if you see the effect a binge has. I have just had my first binge after being so good. I am good at binges.

This is the very first forum I have ever joined, I hope it will help, someone out there knows how I should deal with 1200 calories because theyve done it, they know if its best to eat them at night, during the day or even whats really filling. I look forward to some practical buddies and if I can help anyone along the way that will be great.:flowerforyou:


  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    It is possible to stay at 1200 calories but takes some planning! Feel free to add me I have a lot of days where I don't exercise & you can view my diary (when I log that is I'm not super religious about it). If you eat basic, healthy, unprocessed food you will do best staying under. Good luck, it looks like you are off to a good start!
    FATBARRA Posts: 6 Member
    I try to have around 200 calories for breakfast and lunch and keep the rest for dinner time and after as that is when the kitchen cupboards call my name, when I am sitting watching telly or listening to music. If there has been some overindulgence then a brisk walk with the dog pays back some of the calories. So there are two of us in this house that are losing weight. The dog has never been walked so much she loves it.
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I really believe the whole unprocessed food thing is the key. Try to fix things for yourself and not eat out. You will be amazed how much easier you can stay under your calories, and how much food you can eat! Eat alot of fruits, veggies, lean protein like chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, eggs(primarily whites), good whole grain carbs like, oatmeal, beans, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta. The biggest thing I think so many people don't realize is you really should measure and weigh your food. I know it seems like a lot of work, but trust me you will be shocked at how much extra you are eating when you don't do it. Once you start doing it, it becomes a habit, and once it becomes a habit it takes a lot less time. I have found for me it is easiest to plan my meals for the week. I cook several things at the beginning of my week so I have lots in my refrigerator to choose from. I typically do a dish in the crockpot, make a casserole of some sort, and cook up a bunch of chicken breasts on the grill. I also usually make a couple of cups of brown rice or some sort of side dish. I divide stuff up into portions ahead of time. Then I can just grab and go. Being prepared has helped me start to be successful. Until I did this, I really struggled. I know this is alot, but, I hope something in here helps! Good luck!
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I am a total failure at dieting, have hardly ever managed to lose weight. Deep down I must not really want to because most things I want, I achieve!

    Ive tried many things, never stuck to any of them and now I think I know why - I eat too much! I know that sounds really obvious but it was only until I did my profile on here and it told me to eat 1200 calories that I realised why even the 29pro points on weight watchers was too much. 1200 calories is not a lot and I dont exercise and dont want to exercise (yet)

    I do believe that you have to be mentally ready to make this journey. When your ready you will choose to make the right choices and do the things that will make you successful. I also think that exericse is a big part of weight loss. It doesnt mean you have to go join a gym...just start simple. Start walking. Moving in some way is better than being still. The added benefit to that is you then have extra calories to eat, because MFP recommends eating back the calories you burn on exercise. Just another couple things I thought of. Again...good luck!