Since May 15 down 48 pounds

I started using myfitnesspal on May 15. I've been losing for a longer window of time actually starting my last "official change" just slightly over 1 year ago. Whether I use mfp or not, my weight loss has been about the same. And frankly, I'm sick to death of recording every bite of food I eat.

I am a habit eater, for better or worse. And I've learned that with being in the "better" rut right now, this has become an annoyance I don't need. In fact, by having to think about food all the time, remember what I ate, trying to plan the next meal to hit what ever level
of protein or carbs or whatever I need that day, I found mysefl hungrier than I really should have been. It's like that AA concept. I have never understood how people who are wanting to drink can go into a room and talk about it for an hour and take power from that.

I needed this structure for a while but about a month ago I really started to level out. It was almost like I was eating to the max I was allowed just because some random system told me I could have x number of calories. While a lot of people argue, my body thrives on starvation. I don't like it any more than the "you have to have at least 1500 calories a day" crowd does, but it's just the way it is.
At eating the 1400 calories I was "allowed", I lost nothing. So a I decided to stop the recording and let my body tell me when it needed it's next nutrition. And I've lost about 5 pounds since then.

I'm sure there will come a time when I need to go back to watching every bite. But this is just a food for thought post. If there's anyone like me out there, consider how healthy the constant "thinking" about food is for you. If you thrive on it, great. But if like me it just causes you to think about food all day, maybe you should drop off for a while and see how it goes. I will continue to weigh and monitor. Even if I never lose another pounds (and I have about 25 more to go to what I -- not my doctor-- wants) I would be thrilled to maintain where I am.

I hate food controlling my life. and I think this just started to be another way it controlled me. Just my view. And it's a view from October 2010 to October 2011 and down a total of 87 pounds. My knees are the happiest part of my body. : )


  • cyndigre
    cyndigre Posts: 31 Member no one is twisting your arm to use it. Good luck, and keep up the good work! Personally it works well for me and I will continue on my journey with this tool:)
  • I'm listening to my body too! (: good luck!
  • CherylM2015
    CherylM2015 Posts: 20 Member
    I can DEFINITELY understand - I somewhat feel the same way. I'm still a little too new to this site to make my mind up quite yet. I really enjoy the support and I like reading all the success stories and hearing advice from people. But I don't love the logging of food. I've already been on a meal plan as directed by a sports nutritionist for the past 6 months and it's been working for me so I'm already aware of the content of my food.

    Just do what works for you! What works for one person won't necessarily work for the next. Great job on your success so far!
  • what ever floats your boat I say.... MFP is not only about tracking food but getting the motivation from others that are in the same situation as you.....Me honestly MFP has been the bestest thing that has ever happend to me and it has really helped track my calories so that I know how many more I can eat or not eat... Good luck in your journey, and I hope you find something that will work for you, you need to stop thinking sooo hard about it and go with it. Loosing weight is not something that happends overnight, if you want it, you need to work hard for it, and make some life changes.. starting with you bad eating habbits..... wish you all the luck in your weight loss....
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    It works differently for everyone....good luck on your journey!
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    Personally, on most days, I eat and make what I know are smart choices, THEN log it. I don't let this site rule my life. I do log prior during the week, just because I put my lunch together the night before, so I figure I might as well log it at the same time. As long as you are living a healthy life, that's all that matters, and if this site helped you for a while, then great. Do what works for you!
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    From my point of view, I know for a fact that if I don't think so carefully about what I eat and plan my meals, that I will just go back to eating in the wrong way and put all the weight back on that I have lost. How do I know - because I have lost almost 3 stone in the past - in 2004 to be exact and by 2006 every ounce was back on. I lost my weight with Weight Watchers originally and once I got to goal and having taken 8 months to get there, I was convinced I could "do it all by myself". Clearly I was wrong - and looking around at the number of people who are overweight and listening to what others have to say on this site, I know that the only way to keep off the weight permanently, is to permanently think about and track what I eat. This is a new life for me - a new slimmer and fitter life and this time I am not prepared to give up. Yes, some days it is a little bit tedious to track in everything - but long-term, this is worth doing, so it is worth doing right. Good luck to you but to everyone else, think very carefully before going it alone - remember it was you (on your own) who got you into the state of being overweight in the first place.
  • It's very personal. Saying anything perceived as against MFP is often heard like bashing someone's Momma. I agree it's a very useful tool. It helped me to find my groove exactly as stated by showing me what I was doing right and wrong. My point is that now that I'm in my groove, it's become a negative. I don't need to be thinking about what I eat all day long. I need to reduce my food thoughts, not increase them. I need to develop a strong healthy eating HABIT that will carry me without investing this much energy into it.

    I care for my Mom who has severe dementia, work a 50 hour week and have 4 step-kids. I strongly suspect some people have a lot more free "me" time. I really am working to make this such a seamless part of my life that it's my same ole'. It's been a year and I am at that point. I can look at a plate and know how much nutritional value it offers. And I'm very happy that in the absence of constant thought about food, I'm doing that.

    And yes, no one is twisting my arm. Good grief.........
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I need the calorie counting! I don't know if I always will, but I suspect I am one of the people who will slip back into old habits if I don't monitor what I'm putting in my body! I love mfp for the food logging, friends and forums. We are all individual and what works for me may not be right for you. I say we each have to do what's best for ourselves. Good luck on your fitness journey!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Congrats on the 48 lost. I've lost 46 in 11 months using MFP.

    I must tell you that keeping track of foods every day and entering my own recipes has been like a much-needed college course in nutrition.

    For someone who loves to cook and needs to learn how to eat properly for once, MFP is an excellent tool. Sure, there are days when I grow tired of entering foods, but I plug along, since I have yet to acquire a master's degree in nutrition and self-control.

    Some of us need to pay attention at every step of the journey, some of us don't.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    MFP is a tool not a bible or law book. It is about accountability and support. I feel better logging and monitoring what my intake consists of because I have an addiction to food, the only addictive substance the body truly cannot live without.

    People should learn what works best for their body and their lifestyle and go with it. Always make sure you are seeing a physician to monitor your health on the way.
  • I'm listening to my body too! (: good luck!
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    ya know there is a delete program button under control panel,
    press start button first, then control panel, then under programs you hit uninstall,
    waaa laaa no more my fitness pal.
    You can just never have to see the little guy or gal in the left hand corner, see him or her, he or she is orange leaping in the air skinny as can be. I betcha he or she started and lost 48 pounds and kept it up untill he or she was the weight he or she wanted then checked in once in awhile to say hi to us all and say how well MFP helped him or her learn how to see what food was about and how the word FAT will never be a problem again. You will come crawling back, you offended so many people. Sorry but if you knew it all you would not have come here to begin with due to the fact that you maintain your weight just fine all alone.
    remember, start control panel and uninstall, im sure after that you will never need to download it again.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yeah, what she said ^
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    And frankly, I'm sick to death of recording every bite of food I eat.

    - the answer is simple. dont record it.
    In fact, by having to think about food all the time, remember what I ate, trying to plan the next meal to hit what ever level of protein or carbs or whatever I need that day, I found mysefl hungrier than I really should have been.

    - then your not eating right sweetheart!! Dont take MFP as the god of counting cals / fats/ carbs.. its a mere guideline which we all use! In the beginning I used to get hungry, then i asked around, got measuring cups n BAM...hunger disappears.

    It's like that AA concept. I have never understood how people who are wanting to drink can go into a room and talk about it for an hour and take power from that.

    - Well even i dont understand how it works. But Hell it does!!! so who are we to argue on that.
    If there's anyone like me out there, consider how healthy the constant "thinking" about food is for you. If you thrive on it, great. But if like me it just causes you to think about food all day, maybe you should drop off for a while and see how it goes. I will continue to weigh and monitor

    - it the obsession thats worrisome!! I agree with you on that. A person should keep themselves busy to not think about food allll the time.

    Even if I never lose another pounds (and I have about 25 more to go to what I -- not my doctor-- wants) I would be thrilled to maintain where I am.

    - good
    I hate food controlling my life. and I think this just started to be another way it controlled me. Just my view. And it's a view from October 2010 to October 2011 and down a total of 87 pounds. My knees are the happiest part of my body. : )

    - you should do whats best for you. n m veryy happy you have lost 48 pounds.. WOOT WOOT for that one!!!
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    hehe.. it looks like I have dissected that post.. but I had a different view on a lot of things .. hence!!! :P
  • And now my two cents--I started MFP and it was a HUGE help. I reached my goal, and am happy about that. And personally, I know that I need to continue to log in my meals or I'll be where I started in a heartbeat (unfortunately). Thank goodness for this support group. And for me, it's a good thing that I have to think about what I'm putting in my mouth constantly. Otherwise, I'd be putting anything and everything in there! I guess I'll never learn....haha.

    And one sticking point in the post.....MANY of us are terribly busy and don't spend much time online with this. But what little amount of time is spent here holds us accountable, and that's what is important.
  • kflynn28147
    kflynn28147 Posts: 37 Member
    Helps me keep track of what I eat. Much easier.:flowerforyou:
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