


  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas on what to do for Shin splints? I used to run and even did a 5K twice. Recently my shins have been worse than before and I have tried all the methods out there including avoiding running ( doing the elliptical etc..). But somehow when I get back to running , it somehow creeps back in and the issue never goes away. Its frustrating especially when you want to run so bad! HELP..
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    You may need to rest ENTIRELY for some time, not doing any exercise that stresses your shins (swimming would be good!) Were you doing the C25K or did you straight up go back into running? I used to be able to run 10k easy then got out of running, and every time I've tried to start running again I've gotten shin splints, until this time (this time I'm doing C25K). I went to a chiro and massage therapist as well for mine. Rest, ice, massage.
    Does anyone have any ideas on what to do for Shin splints? I used to run and even did a 5K twice. Recently my shins have been worse than before and I have tried all the methods out there including avoiding running ( doing the elliptical etc..). But somehow when I get back to running , it somehow creeps back in and the issue never goes away. Its frustrating especially when you want to run so bad! HELP..
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I just finished week 5 tonight! I'm so stoked! :) I also use the C25K app (free for android) and runkeeper. What's cool about runkeeper is that you can enter in your own "coaching" for workouts, so you can just program it for the couch to 5k and the bridge to 10k after (which I plan to do and it's all set for the swtich!) :)

    As mentioned, runner's world has tons of info, as does coolrunnings.com (they are the C25K people).

    I think to find out about races in your town, a running store would be a great place to start :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    couch to 5k is amazing. i would not be running without it and cant praise it enough! i started running to get some 'me' time! its quite important when you are a mum! lol. Take it easy, remember its only a guide and you can repeat weeks or skip weeks as well to suit your needs. Try to only run 3 times a week as you need to let your body in gently, any more and you risk injury. I quite like the womens running websit too- recently found it and its very informative. http://www.womensrunninguk.co.uk/aboutus.obyx.
    good luck and most of all have fun!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    I just completed W1 D1 this morning, but I stayed indoors to do it so my walking and jogging was on the spot. Will I be able to achieve the same results doing it this way? (just not ready mentally to run in public!!)
  • NB_Eric
    NB_Eric Posts: 61
    Hi Sammy, you sure will! I did my first 3 Weeks indoor on the treadmill for the exact same reason. I wasn't ready to do it out in public then I found myself a nice park with trails that go into the woods so I get the privacy but also fresh nature air.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I just completed W1 D1 this morning, but I stayed indoors to do it so my walking and jogging was on the spot. Will I be able to achieve the same results doing it this way? (just not ready mentally to run in public!!)

    HAHA! I totally feel ya on the not ready to run in public, hence the reason why I went to the little track they have behind my children's school. They can play on the playground while I do my training :wink:
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Hey all,

    i just finished wk 1 d2 today. I think i will do 2 runs a week on the treadmill and then one on a weekend outside in the parks. Last time i did this i ran both but i got used to the treadmill after i finished and then when i tried to take it outside i tore my leg muscle so i need to make sure i dont solely run on the treadmill this time.

    I am enjoying have a structure of exercise again though. I so wish i had a treadmill at home :)
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I could run on the treadmill but when I started couch25K did it outside - big difference! After getting used to the difference in effort being outside is so much nicer!
  • adgregory
    I have this all downloaded on my phone and ready to start tomorrow.

    Any tips? I'm new to MFP and will be new to the program. I'm not that big of a runner, but I have to do something.. and I feel like a program is my best bet right now.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm not sure if C25 is the fastest way to endurance..... I started jogging 9 days ago and went from being able to run 1 mile to 4.3 miles straight last night (1.7 miles uphill @ 30-45 grade). I used to run in February for about 3 weeks but only got to 2.5 miles.... so I've gained more endurance in a week in a half than I did last time!

    What I did this time around was keep pushing myself each run, actually eating healthy, and keeping myself well-hydrated... I walked around 2 miles a week for 4 months before this. So first I started with running 1 mile downhill, the next day 1.5 miles downhill, took a rest, then ran 1 mile downhill and 0.7 miles uphill for three days took two days rest and the last two days ran 1 mile downhill, 1.7 mile uphill, 0.5 mile downhill then 1 miles flat. I did walk the rest of the difference after but decreased the walking time from 1 hr to 34 mins over the past two runs.

    What I do to drown out the pain is tune out the heavy breathing and negative thoughts with motivating music. If you look at my pics I'm pretty fat and the couple days before I started running I smoked a pack of cigs.... I don't smoke anymore but if I can gain this much endurance in 8 days anyone can! It's all a mind game!
    C25K isn't about the "fastest" way, it's about a safe and structured training program. I use it as one of many endurance tools, as it's a good way to keep structured minimum goals to progress to. For the first 4 weeks I usually did double the recommended C25K routines, and I'm currently finishing week 6.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas on what to do for Shin splints? I used to run and even did a 5K twice. Recently my shins have been worse than before and I have tried all the methods out there including avoiding running ( doing the elliptical etc..). But somehow when I get back to running , it somehow creeps back in and the issue never goes away. Its frustrating especially when you want to run so bad! HELP..

    Hi..I am a shin splint survivor. I truly understand what a pain in the a** they are! I finished the program a couple of weeks ago and I ran my first 5K on Sunday. I ran my best time ever!!!!

    Couple of tips that have helped me:

    If you have a smartphone get a C5K app...you don't have to think just listen and do what it tell you. AWESOME!

    Make sure you do 2 out of the 3 days outside on soft surfaces...trails etc. There is a huge difference between running outside and it's worth the effort.

    I get mine from joesnewbalanceoutlet.com They are soooooooo reasonably priced. I got 740's and they worked miracles for me. I also took my shoes to the local running store to have them check to make sure i didn't have some funky gait problem going on. He gave me a pair of extra cushion insoles that are heaven!! Some of us just need a little extra cushion and support.
    (Some of the sales people will try and talk you into $45 insoles..I found that the $20 insoles are perfectly fine.)
    I'm still feeling a little bit of mild soreness but not nearly the pain I felt at the beginning. It usually goes away once I warm up.
    I ice my shins nightly and do lots of stretches and exercises that focus on the calves and shins. I also had to cut back to running 2x per week to allow my shins to heal. The rest of the week I use the elliptical and spinning. And it's fine. You don't have to run 5 days a week.

    Take your time and do this right. For some people the beginning weeks are easy and we want to push ourselves..that can backfire very easily. I had to take a week off because of my shins and it sucked. The pride I felt for pushing myself turned into regret and feeling stupid for not listening to what everyone was telling me. You are doing something you have done before, using muscles ya don't normally use and injury can happen in a split second.
    This program is wonderful and it's worth the effort IF YOU TAKE YOUR TIME AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!! Listen to the experienced people. Do research..read about running and listen.

    Sorry for the long reply here...but when I started I had so many people who supported me on here and it made a HUGE difference for me, so I want to give back :)


    PS. Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Wk 1 D3 - felt great and now on to week 2.

    I cant run outside in the week as its too dark outside of my working hours so i have to go to the gym for personal safety but i will run outside on the weekends.

    It does take more energy running outside - my physio said that to me that you really have to drive yourself forward when your not on the treadmill. That said this is just to get me back to fitness after my injury so im taking it steady.

    Well done everyone :)