Starting another weight loss journey

Hey, everyone! I'm beginning yet another weight loss journey, and I hope and pray that I finally "get it" this time: Weight loss is a lifestyle change! I'm new to this website and have a lot of reading to do in order to get the best out of it. I look forward to using the tools here and your support and encouragement, and eventually I'll be able to encourage others here as well! Have a great day!


  • Me too, glad to join you on your journey!
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    We're all here for the same thing. Stick around and you'll get some good advice! Welcome!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Best of luck on your journey!
    This site has helped me immensely!
    With the help provided here along with focus & determination. You will succeed!
  • I want to welcome you here. I'm fairly new too and I wanted to let you know that they will send you a nice email if you fall off the bandwagon. I like that. I went for a week without logging my food and the email was a gentle nudge to get back my motiviation.
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcomes! I've been reading and familiarizing myself with everything here and I'm loving all that this site has to offer!