Runners advice! Shin Splints

So I REALLY want to get into running and have that awesome runners body :) BUT everytime I start a program, I get really bad shin splints and it stops me from continuing. I've tried icing them and I bought specific shoes for my feet so that isn't the issue. I've heard to just run through them and I've heard not to, that it'll cause more problems. So I don't know what to do, but I don't want to give up on the idea of running.

Any suggestions???


  • Stateisthegoal
    I always run through them, they won't kill you :)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I ran cross country in high school with a girl
    that would get shin splints. The doctor told her NOT to run unless she felt ok.
    However, with that said, I suggest that you go to your doctor & see what he/she recommends you do.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Pay attention to your form. Are you heel striking? If not, then I am not sure what the problem could be...but if you are heel striking, try to run with a more mid-foot stride. Try to focus on landing on your mid-foot instead of on your heel. Heel-striking can cause you to overstride and create unwanted impact on your shins.

    EDIT: I also wanted to add that heel striking may not be the issue in and of could just be overstriding (landing ahead of your hips), which can cause problems in your lower legs
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Run through them.... when I first tried running 5 years ago I goth tem bad but eventually they went away.,, even though I stopped running regularly until this year (ran for about three weeks in February and restarted last week) they never came back... in fact I have felt no pain except for minor calve soreness.
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    I always run through them, they won't kill you :)

    i hate to agree but i do the same. probably because i'm OCD though and don't want to break my routine. do you run outside or on a treadmill? i noticed when i was running outside i was getting them a lot more often than when i run on a treadmill.

    my splints always seemed to hurt more AFTER i ran then when i was actually running.
  • runner_girl_120
    Do you start up with higher mileage then what's comfortable? Start SLOW. Drastic increases can cause them. Also run on soft surfaces. Running through them isn't always a good idea. I did that for a few weeks and ended up with a full blown stress fracture in my tibia.
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I bought better shoes that suited my feet (got my step checked) and iced my shins. I see you have already done this. I run through mine starting at a jog till the begin to ease. :happy:
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    make sure you've got good shoes, and good shock absorbant insoles. i used to have shin splints but as my running has got better my shin splints have ceased to bother me.....start gently and work up.
  • jnyp
    jnyp Posts: 1
    i have a friend with approx 10" scars on both legs from operations for shin splints!? i think rest up and come back better and stronger.......
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    I had horrible shin splints and went to a muscle therapist. He gave me some stretches/exercises that really helped. Draw circles in the air with your toes, stretching the circle as big as you can. 12 times clockwise, 12 times counter. Then do point and flex, 12 times each foot also. This will kinda burn in the little muscle on the front of your leg, but strengthens those muscles. He said to do it twice a day, every day. When I did these exercises, I would hear popping and he said that is scar tissue. I kept doing them and they don't pop at all now...

    Also, I got shoes that were properly aligned for my pronation, so that my feet were not turned in or out when I ran. This really helped my knees, etc. I actually got custom inserts also, which are like Heaven on your feet.

    Hope that helps!
  • lauraOOOO
    lauraOOOO Posts: 103 Member
    i get horrible shin splints, i would not recommend "running through them" as it seems to take longer for them to heal.

    i would try building up your runs, trying to add more distance every few weeks. if you did 2 km for a few days and there was no pain, move up to 2.5 and so on. your shins will eventually strengthen.

    good luck!!
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    If you get a foam roller, you can use that to work out the shin splints. You kneel with your ankles on the roller, then slowly roll your shins down the roller to your knees, then back again. It will hurt. A lot. But it will also work out the muscles and afterwards it won't hurt nearly as much. My massage therapist (who is also my best friend) and my trainer have both told me this works.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Running "through them" could lead to stress fractures..... which will end your running for months!!!

    Follow the link in my signature for a thread on the topic. Read through the thread for additional comments from other veteran runners.
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    Awesome! Thanks for all the advice!! I'll have to try the stretches and the foam roller, I haven't tried those yet. :flowerforyou:
  • maritzausa
    maritzausa Posts: 6 Member
    Once you have them, ice them and rest. Go to a running shoe store and make sure you have good running shoes. I agree with the folks that say it will get better. When I first started running I got them bad and suffered thru them by icing every single time I ran for about four months. Then I took about a four month brake and it made all the difference. It was miserable during the first running phase but once they "calcified" during my brake I never had pain again. I felt almost like my shins had to get stronger to support my future running. I don't know why my body worked this way but it did. It may not work this way for you so I think that you also go to the doctor just to make sure my advice would work for you, it may not.
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    have you tried TED hose? a lot of runners wear them.. they help with the circulation to reduce the occurance of shin splints. can be found at walmart & other big retailers :)
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    Running "through them" could lead to stress fractures..... which will end your running for months!!!

    Follow the link in my signature for a thread on the topic. Read through the thread for additional comments from other veteran runners.

    Amazing suggestions! Thanks so much! I'm concerned about stress fractures, thus the reason for my post. Your posts are incredibly enlightening thanks!!
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    do you have access to an elliptical? I would recommend a no impact schedule so that they can heal... I had them once too. There is no "running through them". It will only prolong your misery.
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    have you tried TED hose? a lot of runners wear them.. they help with the circulation to reduce the occurance of shin splints. can be found at walmart & other big retailers :)

    Haven't tried them, I might give them a shot. Thanks!
  • mirandahimmelspeck
    My massage therapist who is also a trainer and avid runner gave me an amazing stretch for shin splints. Here are several that you can do. Pain is your body's warning system. If you ignore it you can cause yourself further damage.