Gained back 3 weeks progress in 1.5 days. I'm so SAD I coul

Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
:sad: I was just hospitalized and had my gallbladder removed. I have been exercising, tracking calories, and losing weight gradually. I was down 11 pounds in 3 weeks. I was in the hospital approximately 32 hours, counted my calories while in the hospital (I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day, (which will lead me to lose 1.7 lbs a week). Yesterday I missed breakfast; for lunch I had a cup of boullion, and a cup of jello; and for supper I had 2 small blt sandwiches. I couldn't track the calories but guestimate it to be around 1500. Today I consumed about the same. The nurse knew I was counting calories, so she told me that my body needed extra calories to help it heal.

I got home today and hopped on the scale. The scale reads 209 pounds. :sad: I'm so sad and disappointed that I am nearing tears. I was on an antibiotic, and fluid IV all day yesterday and today. They forced fluids, and now I am wondering how many calories there were in the IV bags. I'm thinking it was 2000, and then the nurse told me to eat more calories than normal.

OK, I AM crying now. :sad: This makes me just want to give up. I had been so proud and hopeful. I was down a pant size and went shopping to get one size smaller for inspiration. Now I am just depressed. Please, somebody, help me feel better.

I had finally hit 199, and now I am at 209. That's ten pounds in only two days. ; (:sad:


  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    :sad: I was just hospitalized and had my gallbladder removed. I have been exercising, tracking calories, and losing weight gradually. I was down 11 pounds in 3 weeks. I was in the hospital approximately 32 hours, counted my calories while in the hospital (I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day, (which will lead me to lose 1.7 lbs a week). Yesterday I missed breakfast; for lunch I had a cup of boullion, and a cup of jello; and for supper I had 2 small blt sandwiches. I couldn't track the calories but guestimate it to be around 1500. Today I consumed about the same. The nurse knew I was counting calories, so she told me that my body needed extra calories to help it heal.

    I got home today and hopped on the scale. The scale reads 209 pounds. :sad: I'm so sad and disappointed that I am nearing tears. I was on an antibiotic, and fluid IV all day yesterday and today. They forced fluids, and now I am wondering how many calories there were in the IV bags. I'm thinking it was 2000, and then the nurse told me to eat more calories than normal.

    OK, I AM crying now. :sad: This makes me just want to give up. I had been so proud and hopeful. I was down a pant size and went shopping to get one size smaller for inspiration. Now I am just depressed. Please, somebody, help me feel better.

    I had finally hit 199, and now I am at 209. That's ten pounds in only two days. ; (:sad:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Don't be sad! It is just water weight. Your body is fighting to get its equilibrium back from the surgery. Try not to weigh again for a week or two and you will see you have lost weight!!:flowerforyou:
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    It will go away..dont worry..After I had mine out, I looked pregnant for a month..everyone kept saying I was...and it made me want to give up! Just keep tho...youll get back on is no joke
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Hey girl, don't get to down cause I bet you 10-1 that it is prolly just water weight for the fluids being pushed or if o.k YES im gonna go there LOL if u are menstrating or near cycle you can gain up to 3 lbs just from water retention. Just tell yourself it is water weight , get back on the bus and don't touch that scale for a week . he he he . easier said then done I know im jump on it every 2nd day LOL. Good luck and hope you have an easy recovery . take care !!!!!!
  • akwhite
    akwhite Posts: 55 Member
    Your body underwent a major thing and is just adjusting back. Please don't stress about it! You will get back up and running and I guaranty that is not real weight you gained. It's water and fluids and post-surgery stuff. Don't get discouraged and get truckin!
  • O MY DONT be sad!! It is all water weight and will be gone as fast as it came! DONT get on the scale for 1 week and you will be super happy--stick to what you have been doing--get healthy and dont think about a scale!! Give your body time to process all these fluids-it will be FINE!!! Smile and be happy about your accomplishments so far!!!! WAY TO GO!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Your body just had a huge shock! You will lose the weight again. Those few pounds are temporary.

    I think that the gall bladder is important in processing fats, correct? Maybe your insurance will pay for a nutritionist to work with you on a new food plan that will take into account the lack of a gall bladder and help you still continue your weight loss. You will have to change your eating habits.

    Feel better. I recommend movies with warm locations and beautiful people. Works every time. :flowerforyou:
  • flois
    flois Posts: 32
    Oh honey I'd feel the same, but you mustn't be too hard on yourself. As soon as you're up and about again it'll fall off quickly. Your body will be used to losing after 3 weeks and will soon revert.

    I don't know what is in those IV bags either, but I guess they are mosty glucose and at least they will have had no fat content. The body won't retain it for long I'm sure.

    The main thing is that you take good care of yourself right now and allow your body to heal at its own pace. Count your calories,but promise me you won't rush to get up and excercise will you?!

    Be good to yourself and get well soon. You'll be back in the new pants before you know it
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hey you are still down 2 pounds from your start weight! That is so awesome!

    I doubt you gained fat. I read somewhere (though not sure how valid it is) that it takes 3500 extra calories to gain 1 pound of fat. You would have had to consume 31,500 extra calories in 1.5 days to gain 9 pounds. Its totally just your body retaining fluid!

    It will go away, don't worry! Before you know it you are going to say goodbye to the 200's forever!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    What everyone else said....

    Your just had your body sliced open (even if it was only 3 or 4 tiny slices) tubes inserted, then air blown up on there to move your skin out of the way so they could cut out and remove part of your body!!!

    You're swollen and healing - the swelling is your body holding water. I had mine out a little over a year ago - took about a month to get back to "normal" - you'll be fine :smile:

    (Just stay away from that scale if it's going to depress you!) :wink:
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    jdelise and everyone else, you are just so wonderful. I appreciate your kind encouraging words. (As a matter of fact, I was planning to call the surgeon to get permission to exercise, even thought my gut (literally) told me to not exercise yet. I do feel a bit better now... jdelise that's great logic. Anyone know of a way to rid myself of this water weight quicker? :wink:
  • Don't be sad!!! Your body has been through alot lately and I am sure it is just water weight! Do not get discouraged!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    That extra weight is caused by an inflammation response to the surgery. Your body is defending itself against infection just like it's supposed to. Think about this logically--there are 3500 calories in just one pound of fat. If you don't eat the 3500 extra, you won't gain fat.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Just keep drinking lots of water, it will go out the end. The IVs (if it was Ringers Lactate) have electrolytes, and will help you stay hydrated and keep your sodium up through the day of surgery & recovery.

  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Hey you are still down 2 pounds from your start weight! That is so awesome!

    I doubt you gained fat. I read somewhere (though not sure how valid it is) that it takes 3500 extra calories to gain 1 pound of fat. You would have had to consume 31,500 extra calories in 1.5 days to gain 9 pounds. Its totally just your body retaining fluid!

    It will go away, don't worry! Before you know it you are going to say goodbye to the 200's forever!

    Thats true 3500 calories = 1lb.
  • The same happened to me after gallbladderr surgery, the doctor told me it's because you're pumped full of IV fluids for the surgery, so it's really out of your control. Just try to keep up your fluids to flush it all out, it'll be gone in a week or less. Julie
  • aww, keep up the good work mama!
    you tend to swell and everything with IV's
    just give it a couple of days and you might be back to normal.
    hope your feeling better :smile: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Brianne
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    Really? All of the weight will go away? Why keep pushing the fluids?
    My sister lost weight after her Gallbladder was removed. Did you?
  • Dytari
    Dytari Posts: 51 Member
    Depending on the type IV bags you received it hard to say how many calories they gave you. I wouldn't worry about it, just don't hit the ground running, your health comes first, but I' sure all the electrolytes and water with melt off.
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