Sudden jump in scale...anyone else have this issue?

I have a question to throw out there...when I weighed myself on my usual check-in day this week (Monday morning) I had lost 5 pounds. I stepped on the scale a few times in a row, definitely was NOT leaning off the scale or resting any weight anywhere else, and it gave me the same reading every time. "Woot!", I thought.

Two days later, I stepped on the scale in the morning and I was back up 5 pounds. I didn't have a perfect two days, but there's REALLY no reason I should have gained back 5 pounds in two days.

I've checked every morning this week, and it's ticked back down a couple of pounds, but still not where I was on Monday. I know weight fluctuates, but I'm also kinda ticked that this week's official check-in is presumably going to wipe out the progress I just made! And if it was just a fluctuation, I'm wondering why it would take this long to correct itself.

Has anyone else experienced this?


  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I have a few times. For me i can see it when I eat really high sodium foods. I then retain more water. Once I start sweating it out again the pounds start coming back off. Keep drinking lots of water and try to keep the sodium to a minimum and you may see it stay a little more consistant. Just my 2 cents:)
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Yes, it has happened. I finally checked my sodium levels and water intake and haven't had such a huge jump since.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Yes, and exactly what others before me have said - too much sodium and likely not as much water those days. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    yes it happens to me all the time.
    I think it has a lot to do with water retention.
    I don't worry about it too much, but i guess if it worries you could try and have less salt for 2 days or so before your weigh-in and make sure you're drinking heaps of water.
    Also whether or not you've done all your (ah hmmm... business) yet makes a huge difference too. So eat lots of fibre too before weighing day so that you know you are measuring your body not your stomach (or intestines) contents.
    I assume also you are measuring yourself at the same time of day (morning is best) - that also makes a huge difference if you don't.

    But it is all natural. Just eat healthy, exercise and don't stress too much and make sure you're using a tape measure or at least the fit of your clothes too not just a scale.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    drink lots of water and eat a fiber one bar! It'll go back down. :)
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    This happens once in a while, one week it said I lost 4lbs, 2 days later that I gained it back. But than I weight myself on my normal weigh-in day and those 4lbs plus 2lb extra were gone. So don't lose hope, mine flactuates between 3-7lbs daily, for some reason on weigh-in day-Saturday mornings- it doesn't do that.
    Sometimes your body holds unto your fat and than out of nowhere you will lost a bunch, and than you will gain some of it back but it's not fat just water weight, etc.
    I think you will still see loss on your weigh in day including those 5lbs +more. Just drink lots of water to avoid your body holding unto water and maybe have little less sodium :)
  • Thanks for all the tips -- it sounds like the consensus is water, low sodium and fiber. :-) What are people shooting for in terms of water and sodium?
  • MFP sets the sodium goal at 2500 mg which is way too high. A lot of people set theirs to 1500, though mine's at 1800 and I've been doing fine. Read the labels on premade foods and even canned foods. Also, I've learned the hard way not to eat fast food because two days after I broke a plateau and lost 2 lbs in 2 days, I had Chinese takeout and gained them both back by the end of the end of the week :(
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member
    Just account for the variance in water weight. I have up to 8 lbs some days. I drink a lot of water :) there will always be water weight, and other "stuff" in your body. Check it out by weighing yourself before/after shower. Before/after drinking water. Before/after eating. Using the restroom. It's very noticeable. :p Being sick will also massively increase your water weigh temporarily.

    If you happen to have a BM in the morning before consuming anything, you will usually get a very accurate weigh in.