Gross! I hate myself today!



  • bnazarian
    Yeah, that happens...but all you can do is not let it mess with your head and get back into the game as soon as possible. If it was dinner just don't eat anything else today and vow that tomorrow you will start fresh. When I pig out I try to cut back the next day wherever possible and the following day or so also to make up for it, or more exercise or both. Don't hate yourself! Unless the food was bad, it wasn't a complete disaster! :-D
  • wannababyH
    As Scarlett would say "tomorrow is another day!"


    My MIL (who lost over 200lbs and has kept it off for 20 years) lives each day by this motto.
  • Kathy_Kong
    Thanks everyone. About a year ago, I lost 30 pounds then the same thing happened and I couldn't get back on the wagon. I gave up and last week decide to start over. I manage to keep 15 pounds off and the first week I lost 4 pounds then today happen!
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    If you enjoyed yourself it's okay. Payback comes tomorrow because it's a new day. We all have bad choice days, let it happen and move on
  • HazelElfwand
    I JUST had a cheat day today that included A LOT of chinese food and peanut M&Ms....Im going to do a big workout tomorrow and eat super clean and drink lots of water!! DO NOT feel guilty....Ive read that people actually do better with their weight loss when they shock their bodies with a bad meal once a month or so. Dont worry about it....youre human and this is a lifestyle change that doesnt get thrown out over one day!!!
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    Did you skate? I roller skate a lot and its an amazing workout! Ok it happen, you over ate at one meal so what? You can still eat healthy the rest of the day and tomorrow. You can do this.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I plan on hitting up the chinese buffet next weekend and I don't feel bad at all! Accepting that I won't have a perfect diet everyday and allowing myself to splurge once in a great while keeps me sane. Try not to feel too bad! :smile:

    ^^This!!^^ I do way better than I used to but it's not realistic (for me at least) to think I'm never going to over indulge again. When I do, I enjoy it and then get back to my regular routine. You wouldn't believe how many years it's taken me to come to that conclusion. I once let a couple of bad meals send me into a tailspin it literally took years to recover from and it was totally unnecessary. Drink some extra water and stay away from the scales for a few days and it'll be good:)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    ^^This!!^^ I do way better than I used to but it's not realistic (for me at least) to think I'm never going to over indulge again. When I do, I enjoy it and then get back to my regular routine. You wouldn't believe how many years it's taken me to come to that conclusion. I once let a couple of bad meals send me into a tailspin it literally took years to recover from and it was totally unnecessary. Drink some extra water and stay away from the scales for a few days and it'll be good:)

    Exactly this. .. Enjoy the cheat day that you had understanding that we are going to do this on occassion. . and go back counting tomorrow. . drink lots of water. . and relax. It is all going to be okay. . I assure you.