Stairway to Heaven--November Challenge (Open)



  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    can't believe this is the final day already
    been under the weather so not so great couple of days

    Here are my totals for Nov.30

    today: 324
    total: 39269
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Hello everyone,

    I am sad to say that I haven't kept track of steps in the past week... we had a tragedy in the family... lost a young cousin unexpectedly. It's been rough going, to say the least.

    I hope I haven't discouraged anyone by not posting each day... I've read most of the posts in our thread, and you have all done such amazing jobs! Thanks Glitter for hosting a great challenge for us this month!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    We made it!!! The month (at least for me) was a long one, but I'm proud of all that we've accomplished.

    I'm going to way until the weekend before playing with the numbers again in case anyone still has more numbers to post.

    Great job, everyone!
  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    thanks Glitter for the challenge and all the hard work you have put in
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Here are my totals for Nov 30
    28/11: 876
    29/11: 932
    30/11: 569
    Total: 223000

    thanks for such a great challenge, it has been fun finding excuses to run up and down the stairs
  • alannahbelanger
    alannahbelanger Posts: 24 Member
    nov 29: 327
    nov 30: 716
    total: 10 064

    did a few extra yesterday to get over 10 000 haha :p
    thanks for the challenge! :)