Drinking pop growing up/as an adult



  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    you must mean soda! lheheheh :drinker:

    it doesn't say 'SODA' when you open it!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    My soda intake was pretty limited as a kid. Now, at 35, I rarely drink it. I prefer water with nearly everything...except pizza.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    Exact opposite happened to my hubs: was told as a kid soda wasn't allowed, now, as an adult he can polish off 2-3 2 liters of Dr. Pepper a day. (He has maintained his body weight of 185 at 5'11", *ticked and jealous*).
    I know quite a few who grew up on it and that is all they drink. . . you just never know.
  • jessicaxochitl
    I seem to be some sort of an oddball, I do not like pop of any kind. Even with alcohol... unless that is the special for the night :drinker:

    I see people all the time drinking pop at home, at restaurants, for every meal... talking about pop on here all the time and it has gotten me curious. I never had pop growing up. We could have water, milk or juice. I always had water, and that is the only thing I drink now. We never had pop in the house. Even all grown up, my siblings never drink it either.

    I've asked my boyfriend, who is a pop addict, he says he had pop all the time growing up, as did all his pop addict friends.

    So I ask you, do you see a correlation between if you were able to drink pop as a kid and if you drink it now?

    Asking about pop on a Saturday night... I've hit a new low and I think I should just go to bed now :p
    I rarely ever drank soda as a child, it would be juice, water or milk. Sometimes kool aid. I must of started drinking diet coke when I was about 15. I was really addicted to it, would drink awhole liter bottle a day sometimes two. I quit drinming it and now I only drink coffee or water. There is a correlation, I mean I supose if you grow up drinking it you would drink it more as an adult as you are used to it.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    I didn't grow up drinking pop either but I do like to drink it now. I usually only drink it when I'm out at restaurants, sometimes I'll have a can at home. I can't remember when I first started drinking pop though, that'd be interesting. I always drank milk at dinner growing up.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    We drank milk, water, juice and koolaid. We weren't allowed to drink soda. As an adult I drank diet soda all the time. I've cut down now to one a day but I used to drink 8-10 cans a day. It was forbidden as a kid so as an adult, I wanted it.

    I allow my son a drink of soda and don't forbid it. He mostly drinks milk, water or watered down juice. But we try not to make anything forbidden. If we do, it makes it more desirable.
  • Mandymoos93
    I think it's just like most foods growing up- if your mom made you eat your vegetables growing up, you probably learned to like them. If she didn't, you probably still dislike them. There have been some studies that show soda, like coffee, is addictive.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    you must mean soda! lheheheh :drinker:

    it doesn't say 'SODA' when you open it!

    So my carbonated soft drink should be called "fzzzzt".

    Either that, or "Oh crap! It's fizzed everywhere! Get a cloth quick!" Don't think that'd be easy to advertise though...

    For me, we had a 2 litre bottle of fizzy stuff a week. When it was gone, it was gone for the week.

    Today i have around 400ml with my evening meal, every day. No problems :)
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    you must mean soda! lheheheh :drinker:

    it doesn't say 'SODA' when you open it!

    So my carbonated soft drink should be called "fzzzzt".

    Either that, or "Oh crap! It's fizzed everywhere! Get a cloth quick!" Don't think that'd be easy to advertise though...

    For me, we had a 2 litre bottle of fizzy stuff a week. When it was gone, it was gone for the week.

    Today i have around 400ml with my evening meal, every day. No problems :)

    :laugh: but yeah to answer the original question, i didn't drink a lot of pop growing up..lots of juice and water for me
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I always hated soft drink as a kid. As an adult, I avoid it still. I might drink one bottle of chinotto a year, that's all the soft drink I can take. Although on the very rare occasions I drink alcohol, I love the fizzy stuff - champagne and G+T's. I have no idea why I am contradictory like that.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    My dad was a newsagent and we had lots of soft drinks in the house: coke, lilt, cream soda, you name it (except Dr Pepper that wasn't sold through Coca-Cola Schweppes at that time)

    I drank at least 2-3 330ml cans a day.

    Then when diet drinks started to emerge in the 80s I had Tab (foul!), Diet Lilt (the least foul, but too sharp for my tastebuds) and Diet Pepsi (still crap, but just about potable). Then Diet Coke came out and I was in soda-pop heaven. I could polish off 2L of it every day and did so, until I went to the States and discovered Dr Pepper and now I drink DP as a staple and only really have Diet Coke in my alcoholic drinks or in the pub when I want something quick to quench my thirst.

    I probably still drink about 500-750ml a day but only in the evening now and otherwise I drink coffee in the mornings then water during the day.

    There is probably a correlation between what you drink when you were growing up and what you drink now. I never drink beer, because we never had it in the house. My parents only really drank on special occasions... until later in life when they'd have a Martini and Diet 7-Up every evening with their evening meal. (Dad also has a wee dram most nights and also adds a few tablespoons of single malt to his porridge in the morning.)

    I didn't start drinking alcohol until I was a student and have gone through cycles of different drinks, but now drink cyder in the pub or wine at home and out socialising. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • dougfisher
    I see a clear correlation when I was a kid I drank alot of pop it was very hard to stop drinking pop when I become an adult. Many of my friends are still addicted to pop now that they are adults and they consume it in volume every day.