New here Goal 50 lbs

I am 38 and I am up to 233. I need motivation. I have been down this road so many times.


  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    You can do it! We are all here for support and motivation!!!
  • You know I felt that way myself but for some reason it's really sticking this time. Take baby steps and don't be disappointed if you have an off day. Don't be too hard on yourself just keep moving forward. I'm crossing my fingers for you 8-)
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    When I am having a challenging day I go to the message boards and read the success posts. It really helps. 12/2/2010 I was at I weighed 155.6. My Fitness Pal works for me. You can do it. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
  • vz11
    vz11 Posts: 58
    I agree on the success stories tip. I also watch Heavy on netflix or any weight loss show and am reminded I don't want to continue this road. I feel like this time for me is also going to stick. Good luck to you I'm sure you'll do fantastic!
  • dknowsbest
    dknowsbest Posts: 27 Member
    welcome! i'm new to this site and looking to lose 50lbs as well. i've found that everyone is super supportive & that really helps to keep me going even on the days where i'm down on myself. my suggestion is to make this site a part of your new lifestyle change. download the app on your phone, fill out your profile, add you picture, and interact - it definitely makes a huge difference!