How far will you go to lose weight?



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I'll go all the way to the kitchen!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    I say no a lot but for me this is also about conquering my addictions. I also know that this journey will take me a lifetime and I can't always say no to everything. I just try to stay away from trigger foods until I know that I am strong enough to handle small portions of them and they don't trigger the same over indulgence response.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I turn 21 soon so I'm asking myself the same. I wanted to be at my goal by my birthday and maintain. I know I will continue working hard so I'm not too worried. One day is not enough to ruin all my hard work!
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    you cant avoid hollidays and the foods forever, you just have to be smart and acknowlage that yes im eating this and yes i will ru walk or crawl to get this into my budget of cals for the day, becuase its not a diet its a life change avoiding and shunning yourself from life and celebration will get you on the fast track to not following through later on . have a small piece of pumpkin pie on thanksgiving have the turkey without the gravy , eat that mini chocolate bar for the night and have a drink or 2.
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    in a day, about 5 miles is as far as i can go on foot.

    How far away is your goal then, in miles? I don't see that option on my settings. :wink:
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I personally am doing this for life so there is noway I'm going to miss out on things I enjoy doing as lifes to short! I'm an alcoholic so obviously have to avoid drink but it doesn't stop me going to parties and enjoying family events. It's all about learning to make better choices and as the others said one day will not make a difference.
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    I still will eat at special occasions. Just "healthy portions" ; a little of this and a little of that is my treat! I still have wine and I snack at night a little at times, or will have a lemon square or whatever when out to a friends but I do plan on it and will eat accordingly before I go.
    I think it is all in planning and portion sizes!
    Must admit though when I plan on a snack at home I will enter into mfp before I have it; and sometimes that will change my mind and have something different that is not quite so
    Think we have to "live in the real world" but try to eat as healthy as we can! I have been doing this and I am loosing!
    I am determined this time to get the rest of my excess weight off! I know it will take time, but I will do it!