Calling all unhealthy eaters out there..



  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Yup, totally agree. I'm planning for this to be the rest of my life and I'm NOT not going to eat cake for the next 30 - 40+ years! I unashamedly drink coffee and diet soft drinks (soda) and wine, eat cake and the odd nice meal out. And I'm not going to take up brown rice for anyone!

    But I also eat plenty of fruit n veg and keep my lean protein up to keep me full. I'm thrilled that I'm adjusting to smaller portions - I need to keep not putting more on the plate than I actually need.
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    *holds up hand*

    Hello! I also am an "unhealthy" eater.

    I do try to be healthier it's true, but it's hard to beat bacon, sausage and egg for breakfast of a weekend, especially when it's made for you by your other half!

    If I couldn't have takeaway food every again I would have failed *months* ago.

    Everything in moderation and get up and move your *kitten* every once in a while.

    We're doing just fine brothers and sisters :wink:
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I don't eat fruit. There I said it; I can't digest anything with pectin raw and most fruit gives me really bad hives. That said I eat a load of veggies, don't eat anything white, and make just about everything from scratch. I drink 2-4 glasses of wine a week and I eat a square of dark chocolate 3-4 times a week. I think if you feel well, are getting enough to fuel your workouts and are losing at a steady rate you shouldn't sweat it.
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Awesome post! Thx for sharing... As it is very interesting. For me, if I wasn't able to get some lobster, fried clams and ice cream treats in this summer I'd have given up a long time ago! It is all about customization, portion control and planning ahead. Of course we can't all just eat all the bad stuff when & however much we want as we'll all still be starting at day one again right... But it is possible to work in favorite foods and still lose weight! I too, am healthier and more fit than I've been in a long time but I'd be pretty miserable living on so called 'diet foods' only... Funny thing is, I actually crave green veggies sometimes! But, I agree, this is a lifestyle change not a short-term diet! You can have your cake and eat it too AND lose weight in the meantime!! Right?? Enjoy :smile:
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I"m definitely to one that buys into the whole "clean eating" idea. I eat some veggies but not a lot. I eat a lot of protein dense foods (meats, cheeses, yogurts) to keep my protein levels up. I eat some fesh fruits but most of my fruit servings are in other foods like yogurts and such. I'm always over on my sugars and almost always over on sodium. However I look at it this way. Three years ago I wasn't watching what I ate at all. I had a physical and all my vitals and blood work were great. This past year, about 15 pounds after I started my lifestyle change I had another physical and things were even better. Now despite not eating clean and not hitting all the micro goals in MFP, I know I'm eating a lot better than I had been so I can't imagine any reason to expect my health to change for the worse. I still make my macro and calorie goals and have been very successful ( most recently seeing evidence of an definition coming through).

    Much like monster and others in this thread I wanted a diet that would be sustainable for me. Giving up goodies all together would never work for me. I'm just teaching myself how to be healthy and still be able to eat those foods I love.
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    i so agree...i do try to eat healty, but i eat what my family of 7 (5 kids under 12) eat. We are so rushed when its dinner time, to get out the door for whatever is going on, that sometimes, we eat very high fat suppers. BUT....I now eat measured portions, to stay in my calorie goals. I used to eat until I was stuffed.
    I go way over on my fat grams most days!

    This has been alot easier than I thought....hopefully it stays that way!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    haha, I love this thread!
    I'm a vegetarian, so fruits and vegetables? Yes, I love them! (Except apples...ew....)

    HOWEVER, I also love bread, pasta, pizza...and I eat them!
    I also eat chocolate, ice cream, and the occasional donut.
    heheh, but I don't go over my calories, don't eat a lot of sodium, eat plenty of protein and my beverage of choice is WATER.

    And I've lost 11 pounds. I'm quite happy w/ my choice thanks. ;)
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Man, I was just thinking about this!! lol I generally try to stay away from too much sugar and processed foods and such. That's probably my main thing and I'm not too strict on meals.

    Like example, for my supper tonight I just did fried rice with shredded carrot, bacon, onion, and egg (too bad I didn't have mushrooms! That would've been delicious) and to me that is healthy but to so many others it wouldn't be healthy to them. My main thing is non processed foods but I'm not going to cut out too much. And I can't eat a lot of raw foods like raw veggies and having salads and such. I can't afford to buy enough veggies to keep in the fridge at all times so I try to just add frozen veggies to some things (like I love to add frozen veggies to my fried rice...I'm currently on a rice binge...haha). And I like eating red meats. My biggest meat I cook with is ground beef...but that's also mainly because I get all my meat from my dad's farm so I get mostly ground beef (though he recently ran out so I'm waiting for more) sausages (usually beef or pork or mix of both) and bacon (lately he's had LOTS of bacon) and also got some pieced chickens as well since about a month ago we butchered chickens.

    I also don't eat whole grain or multi grain bread. I do however eat like 60% whole grain bread or rye bread. I do prefer brown rice to white (but can't it now since my boyfriend's mom gave us a lot of white rice so I'm happy eating white just honestly prefer the flavour or brown) but I do prefer white pasta so that's what I'll eat. I won't force myself to eat whole grain pasta if I don't like it. And I prefer 2 or 3.25% milk. I used to drink all 1% but now I prefer full fat or whatever. I usually buy full fat milk to make my yogurt and then I'll end up just drinking that milk.

    But to me that's my healthy...lots of red meat and stuff like fried rice, full fat milk, white pasta, etc.
  • paniologal
    paniologal Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks again for all the replies, guys. I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

    Had another 'bad' day today :( I used to eat so well before I went on vacation, since I went on vacation my habits have changed dramatically. I think I'll look at my meal choices before and see what the difference is.

    I've noticed how expensive it is to eat healthy as well... especially where I live. The prepackaged stuff is so much cheaper and easier to eat, and easy add calories. I love eating out, but when I go through the drive through (such as McDonalds) it's usually a fruit and yogurt parfait and one of their chicken foods, such as a McChicken or chicken selects. I haven't had fast food fries in a very long time.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Sooo the more I explore the forums the more I see that so many people on MFP eat very healthy, such as veggies, fruits, low/no fat foods, no sugar foods, organic, etc, etc. all the time. Maybe have the occasional cookie. I think that's great and I commend all who can do it.

    But for me, I can't eat like that. My diet consists mostly of protein items (such as chicken, turkey, pork, or beans) with lots of sugary goodness with it. Even my 'healthy' foods have a lot of sugar, such as yogurt. A typical day for me would be fiber one bar or cup of coffee in the morning, one piece of bread and either tuna or turkey w/ mayo on the top. Usually I eat yogurt with it. Dinner is always random. Anywhere from soup to enchiladas to cheese burgers or fish burgers. And I have to something sugary every night. If I don't I feel deprived. It's usually a chocolate bar, ice cream, cake, or pie. I almost never go over 300 calories for my sugary snack and most days it's under 200.

    Anyone else like that? That manage to stay under their calorie limit even though it consists of some unhealthy food? I still feel I eat healthy though. :/ Anyone who wants to check out my diary can, but I have been very bad the last few days because my TOM is acting up and I crave more food than normal. lol.

    I usually have one, sometimes more, treat per day. Like I eat healthy 80% of my cals, and unhealthy the other 20%. Sometimes, if I'm at my calorie limit, I will exercise to effectively "afford" a treat.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I <3 this thread. I've been trying to eat healthier, have added fresh salads, lean chicken breasts, etc more into my eating, and very rarely go out for lunch at work. And I've cut back on getting espresso smoothies everyday. But I know my diet isn't even close to 'clean.' I stay under my calories for the day the majority of the time, but often go over on fats or sugars. I enjoy my pasta too much to not eat it at least occassionally.
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    Great thread! I believe in everything in moderation. :)