My goal - lose 6kgs (13lb) in 6 weeks...!

6kgs (13lb) loss in 6 weeks.... that's my goal.

I've never set a goal, since being on here... but I reckon 6kgs in 6 weeks... sounds realitively do-able! I hope!!

Is there anyone else out there with a goal for themselves? or anyone who would like to join me in the 6kgs in 6 weeks??

:laugh: :yawn:


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's doable - but a tall order! Depends how much you have to lose...
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Over all, 20kgs... but Im not thinking about that at the moment! Just trying to focus on the first 6 kgs!
  • renee_lee88
    renee_lee88 Posts: 23 Member

    Its def achievable and I will be up for your challenge!!! :) hopefully my consistant weightloss will continue and I can easily achieve that goal with you... remember you can do anything you put your mind to!!!

    97kgs in 6weeks time... here I come :)
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85

    Its def achievable and I will be up for your challenge!!! :) hopefully my consistant weightloss will continue and I can easily achieve that goal with you... remember you can do anything you put your mind to!!!

    97kgs in 6weeks time... here I come :)

    Hey! Thanks :D

    Bit of motivation and support is great!
    Good luck to you too!
  • megteacher
    Your goal is very realistic. I will join you and hope I can stay motivated. For me food is not the problem it is the empty calories in the amount of alochol I consume over the course of each weekend after a very exhausting week trying to engage Gen Y to listen to me while they are in classes at uni :drinker:
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141

    That would be amazing!

    I have niggling doubts but am willing to give it a go!!! :D

    6 weeks from today? or lets say tomorrow???

    Lets do it together ladies!
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85

    That would be amazing!

    I have niggling doubts but am willing to give it a go!!! :D

    6 weeks from today? or lets say tomorrow???

    Lets do it together ladies!

    Starting tomorrow is ok! haha! :D
  • megteacher
    Tomorrow is "D" day, count me in!
  • rowe_a
    rowe_a Posts: 9
    Sounds like an amazing challenge. I am totally up for it and would love to see us all achieve it with honors!!!!

    Friend me, as i would love to do it!!

    Are we all weighing in tomorrow morning and then going 6 kgs from there??

    did you all know it's only 8 weeks til Christmas!!!

    looking forward to a good 6 weeks and a good 6 weeks less weight
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Oh me, I'm in!! Need something to keep my motivation up!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I already said to myself I wanted to lose another stone (14lb) by Christmas, so count me in!
  • rowe_a
    rowe_a Posts: 9
    Wellity wellity wellity........It's the big day for all of us amazing 6 weeks....we will be 6 kgs lighter.

    My starting weight is 131.1 so I am on my way to 124.......what is everyone's goal??
  • megteacher
    Goal weight 65 kg by 24th December. Weighed in today at 69kg, 1 already down from last week, simply cutting back on the vino as did little exercise so good result. Good luck to all, will post update, next Monday happy eating and excercising one and all xxx
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    My weigh in is 253lbs, so I should be 240lbs on 14th December. I have put it on my diary, will update weekly :smile:
  • ElisaRazz
    ElisaRazz Posts: 84 Member
    i want to lose 4-6kgs before xmas.
    I'm in, time to get really motivated!
  • KimmyKelly
    KimmyKelly Posts: 1 Member
    Starting weight - 84.7
    6 week weight - 78.7
  • megteacher
    Here I am again a week later. 300g later - not great but at least not heavier. Still aiming for 65kg for Xmas. No vino tonight either!:ohwell:
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141
    I didnt log my first one..... just for the records..... 84.5