7 weeks & 5days to xmas what are you goals



  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    1) to be in d range of 55-58 kgs
    2) have a toned body which doesnt huff n pant while climbing stairs
    3) want my bf's jaw to drop when he sees me after 2 months :)
    4) to look younger than or d same age as my bf :P
    5) have d confidence to wear anything n carry it off!

    2 many things but def achievable before Xmas!!!!
  • hyperkate
    hyperkate Posts: 178 Member
    I am desperate to lose 12lbs before xmas, which is doable if my social life remeains not very busy over the next few weeks lol
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    deleting double post!
  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    Im hoping to be at least 14lbs lighter... It would be great if I could run a 5k in 30 mins.. Maybe we could be friends and we push each other.. or you could push me.. lol, You already have it in order. I work better under pressure.
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    Everyone let get planning, we can all reach our goals. I know we can do it
  • dannitots
    Good luck to you all, by Christmas I want to be 10lbs lighter. :happy:

    Feel free to add me :)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I'd like to be 5 pounds lighter (back at my goal weight) for Christmas and be back into a regular 4 X a week gym routine. Life has been way too crazy the past 3 months.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Yikes, it's that close! Haha, I had planned to be down another 6.something pounds but then (my goal weight :love:), but that much in less than 8 weeks at my current size is not going to happen! I suppose I'll reset to 5 more pounds for the time being and see what happens.

    Otherwise I'd love to be in a more regular exercise schedule. Right now with grad school apps in full swing and working more than full time I don't have the ability to keep a regular routine (or get in much at all some weeks), but by then applications should all be sent and there would be no reason to not take things up a notch.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I'd like to keep losing at the rate I have been, and be really good about avoiding sweets!
  • stonebrakerm
    stonebrakerm Posts: 7 Member
    I'd like to get through my two scheduled Thanksgiving dinners without overeating. : )
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    My big goal is for my birthday (January 8th) only two weeks after Christmas. I want to be my goal weight of 110. So by christmas I better be darn close! It's going to be a struggle given the fact it's my last ten pounds. But I'm being diligent in my efforts and I really hope I can be there!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I want to be 9kg/20lbs lighter. My cousins wedding is the week before so it would be nice to be there by that point but at 110kg by Xmas would be awesome.

    I'm going to nationals on Jan 6th (as a coach so to be 107.5kg would be good for then.
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I am currently losing a little over a pound a week so I am going to say my goal is to lose 8lbs by Christmas.
  • FatGirlSlim899
    FatGirlSlim899 Posts: 37 Member
    I would like to have shed a stone by Christmas, which is a further 12lbs for me. It's going to take a lot of dedication for me not to fall off the wagon (again), but knowing I have that amazing dress in the wardrobe is making it easier!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    300 lbs. or less, complete a 5K w/o taking any walking breaks.
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Lose 10 more lbs by xmas! Wish me luck
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    id love to lose 15 pounds and be 180 by christmas , that would be awesome

    if santa could take some inches away for christmas id love to give them to some people who need it ;P
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    I too would love to loose at least a stone by xmas, also a few inches would be very nice! i would like to complete the shred without it totally crippling me!

    Good luck to all on hitting your goals and please feel free to add me for some extra support x
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I'd like to get below 230lbs before xmas then I can treat myself to something new to wear on the day. We always get special outfits for the triplets and sophs to wear, and this year I would like smething new too!
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    The count down begins