5days in and our first weigh in.....

sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
edited October 4 in Success Stories
So my partner (stephy52604) and I just started this weight loss journy on 10/25. That was my sons 5th birthday. I was so ashamed with my weight, and decided that it would be the best birthday present ever if his two mommies could get healthy and in shape. So from that day we have been eating cleaner and healthier, and we joined the YMCA, and we have actually used it 3 days! One of those days we worked out twice!

Anywho... My "success" is... We did our first weigh in today (we started on a tuesday, but decided our weigh in days should be sundays). And in 5 days... I have lost 5 lbs, and Steph has lost 4!!! I am so excited! I feel so accomplished. I feel like I really earned that loss.

We have tried other things in the past where we didn't work out at all, and we ate such little amount of food. I was hungry and craby all the time, and I had no energy. I lost like 8 lbs the first week, but I felt miserable. This time is so much different! I am eating TONS (just really healthy and clean foods), and exercising and I feel GREAT! Today is supposed to be a "rest" day for us, but I still kinda want to go walk on the tredmil for a little bit... I feel like I half to, almost like it is part of me now.

I just wanted to share our success thus far. Because I am very proud of us! We both have a long way to go still, but I know we can do it this time! I can feel it!


  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Congrats to both of you! Keep up the good work:flowerforyou:
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    That's great...Keep up the good work
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
  • Congats that awesome!! Keep up the great work! :drinker:
  • netztoy
    netztoy Posts: 83 Member
    Great job...don't stop..it only gets better from here:happy:
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    This is great. Glad to see you so motivated and getting results. Bear in mind this is a change in life, not a short term diet. So don't get discouraged when results get slower to see. That will happen along the way. It's definitely a journey. Keep going!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Keep up the good work, but it is very important to take rest days. Your muscles repair and it rests your Central Nervous System. The rule of thumb is, work out three days, then take a rest day. Because of my schedule I work out three days, rest, work out 2 days, rest work out 3, and I know, sometimes on my rest day I feel like I want to work out, but I've found I'm much stronger when I come back and I feel even better.
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    That's fantastic! I'm proud of both of you too, and look forward to hearing about your future sucesses. And yes, that's a fantastic present to have a healthier, happier mom! :flowerforyou:
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you all!!! We are both so excited to continue this life style. I am totally not thinking of this as a diet. It is for sure, something we are going to live by. I feel so much better just by eating more fresh fruits and veggies. And it is amazing how much of them you can eat for so little calories! I never knew!! And lucky for us... our kids LOVE fruits and veggies! So it won't be a problem for us to make this our new life style. Ive always made sure my kids have fruit and veggies everyday...I just never took the time to make sure I had the same. I always gave them the best of everything, but forgot about myself. But that has all changed this week! I am important too.

    And I am going to take my rest day today. We have a lot of cleaning around the house today, so I am sure I will burn something, but I am not counting it. But I am not going to go to the gym and do any traditional exercise today. That can wait until tomorrow! :)

    Thank you all for your support. It really means a great deal to me.
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    Super!!! Happy for your success & your positive attitude towards healthy eating & exercise. keep us updated about your progress. Stay Inspired & Motivated !!!! Your journey has begun n its going to end in happily ever after :D
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    Good job......both of you!! It's a great feeling seeing those first pounds come off, especially if you feel good during it.
    Way to go!!
  • Way to go! Keep up the good work.
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