November Sugar Detox



  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I caved last night and had the last two remaining halloween candies... but no wine...some sort of NSV for me :) blew the sugar thing but the alcohol thing is a way bigger deal for me right now. ... had some detox tea and feel much more clear headed this am. :)

    @topaz--take it one day at a time....that would be like an alcoholic working in a liquor store, lol! Maybe try to see the cupcakes as "product" and not as food?
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    okay, i hate this :(
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    @Sinclare...If you hate this right now, then your doing it right...I swear it gets better hang in there. Don't beat yourself up over the candy and great job skipping the ETOH today (or last night). Your making it through the worst. You can do this!

    @Topaz hang tough...if you get yourself detoxed you should be able to look at those cupcakes in a different light. I would have never believed it until I had detoxed from sugar. Today is a prime example...leftover Halloween candy brought in and left out in the open...I saw it and left it alone...didn't even want it. Took some to give to the security guards and the homeless on the way to the car tonight :)

    As for me today did well with the sugar, but caved and ate chicken nuggets from McDonalds tonight...Not clean but also no sugar (no added sauce). LOL! I know I am sick when all I want is the tomato soup, McDonalds chicken nuggets, peppermint tea and fisherman friend cough drops. OMG sounds sickening just reading this...but that is the only thing that sounds/ tastes good to me when I am sick.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I fell off the wagon, but I'm going to climb back on. I'm so proud of you guys, your doing great! Keep it up.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I failed miserably over the weekend...I have gotten myself back on track! How's everyone else doing?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Ok this may be a double post...Hope everyone is doing well. I fell off the wagon, but have climbed back on. Hope everyone is doing well. I am always amazed at how after a couple of days the clothes start to loosen a little. My friend introduced me to this water callled metromint. They have a cocoa infused peppermint water that has helped with my cravings. She is from OH and gets it at a store called Buehlers... Howbouto not sure if it is your neck of the woods, but I can find in here at whole foods and fresh market. Great calories/sugar/carbs etc...