Looking to Maintain

I'm looking for people trying to stay the same weight im finding it really hard
iv lost 38pounds and need to stay the same for my sport for now way
thanks Sporty :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm looking for people trying to stay the same weight im finding it really hard
    iv lost 38pounds and need to stay the same for my sport for now way
    thanks Sporty :)

    i have been (more or less) maintaining since the end of August. what are you finding hard?
  • To eat enough without being over on sugars because i love veg and fruit but its rises my suger content soo much
    When i wake up i feel ill because im havin to eat more just found it easier to eat less :(
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have never tracked my sugar as i dont think there is anything wrong with natural sugar from fruit, so i cant really help with that.

    as for the eating more. try increasing your cals really slowly, add 50 this week, then see how you feel, then add another 50 next week etc etc. It does seem odd at first, but i LOVE being able to eat so much more now!
  • MamboGyrl
    MamboGyrl Posts: 16 Member
    So there with you & would love to be in your clan... however, my maintenance begins Jan 8th & can find you then if I don't fit your match today.

    RE: My husband & I are going on a cruise & I want to do some indulging... but still not go crazy. So I am deciding to lose another 4-5 pounds by Dec 29 so I have that to play with & come home no higher than 135.
    Upon Jan 8th my 2012 & lifetime goal is to maintain. This will truly be new behaviors & habits, as I've yet to learn how to maintain at a healthy weight for longer than 1 month. However, I believe Fitness Pal is a must for a new habit for lifelong success.

    Today I am at 140 here is my weight story. 25 years ago I was at 205+ (I was too scared to get on a scale), For about 20 years I jumped between 160-185 until 5 years ago when I found an incredible body-plan & life coach. Until September 2011 I bounced between 150-160, but since September I am on a journey for 135.
    I am currently 5 pounds from my new life goal (Dec 1st or sooner) of 135. I only recently learned I have 40 years of bad habits & beliefs. Moreover, I found I am addicted to sugar & gluten making a huge difference in weight loss & my mental & physical health. I so desire the "The steamroller of healthy knowledge, habits & living" has made a permanent highway to new capabilities of living well & getting beyond my poor beliefs (eating ice cream = comfort).
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    I am within 1-3 lbs of my goal weight. I think my goal is to lose an even 40ish lbs which is 1 lb away, but then I am so close to 115 that I think I want to go for that. So anywho...I will surely be maintaining very soon and am a little scared. I've just been in losing mode that I don't think I am going to know how to act NOT trying to lose. I bumped up my goal to maintain on here the other day and was shocked at how many calories I could have! I can't imagine eating that much anymore. Plus, I am confused as to how I should be working out. I have lost all my weight doing workout dvds at home. I have a small library of dvds that is a variety of workouts from cardio to strength training to yoga/pilates. I know I want to tone more, but since I won't be trying to lose, do I keep as much cardio as I have been doing and focus more on strength training? (Oh and then to eat my exercise calories on top of it! lol)

    I may be overthinking it! lol

    Anyways...I would love to have someone else to maintain with!