What are you handing out for Halloween?



  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Can't believe no one is handing out last year's leftover candy. Lol
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    We have a BIG bowl of Dots, Tootsie Pops, Tootsie Rolls, Tootise Fruit Rolls already sitting by the front door & that is one room I am avoiding.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I've got a huge bowl of "get the hell out of my yard you damn kids, can't you see my porch light is off???" waiting for anyone brave enough to ring the doorbell.

    Those poor children! :noway:
  • wendyannvantiem
    wendyannvantiem Posts: 188 Member
    I tried to convince my husband to just go with rice crispy treats but he shot me down. Sooooo if we get egged guess who gets to do the cleaning : )
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was thinking about handing out HCG drops. :bigsmile:
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    Can't believe no one is handing out last year's leftover candy. Lol

    we threw out last years candy - we're taking the kids trick or treating a bit further away from our neighborhood this year, so we've got leftover candy from the weekend's halloween parties, if anyone come over while we're home

    BUT the kids loved getting juice boxes and individual bags of microwave popcorn in their bags
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Candy, Halloween play dough, Halloween pencils and erasers. The kids seem to like those too. I have a couple kids come around each year that have told me they can't have candy so I try to have a little something for them too. Oh, and jello shots for the adults....:bigsmile:

    I want to come trick or treat at your house. Don't mind me if I stop by more than once. ;)
  • Sharias
    Sharias Posts: 11
    I tend to go out, it is becoming more popular in New Zealand and I hate it. We have a huge weight problem with some kids in South Auckland and really shouldn't encourage it.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Hershey, Kit Kat, Whoppers, Twizzlers, Nerds, Reese cups, Dum Dums are what's in our bowl.

    Same here! We don'y get many kids other than the neighbors.... Seems like kids/parents are afriad to Trick or Treat door-to-door much anymore! :ohwell:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I was thinking about handing out HCG drops. :bigsmile:

    Ugh, I thought I was being original. Stop stealing my idea! :explode:

    Not doing anything at all.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Candy, candy and more candy.

    But I can tell you, my kids don't go trick or treating to get oatmeal or healthy foods. This holiday is all about the candy.

    I guess I don't understand why people just don't shut off your lights and not hand out anything. Hope you like being decorated by TP and cleaning up eggs is a nightmare. Oh, and hide the pumpkins.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was thinking about handing out HCG drops. :bigsmile:

    Ugh, I thought I was being original. Stop stealing my idea! :explode:

    Not doing anything at all.
    Sorry! :embarassed:
    Try handing out brussel sprouts with little notes about the cabbage soup diet tied lovingly to them.
  • Candy, candy and more candy.

    But I can tell you, my kids don't go trick or treating to get oatmeal or healthy foods. This holiday is all about the candy.

    I guess I don't understand why people just don't shut off your lights and not hand out anything. Hope you like being decorated by TP and cleaning up eggs is a nightmare. Oh, and hide the pumpkins.
    Agreed when kids don't get their candy they get mad. I remember one year when i was around 12 me and my friends were trick or treating and someone was giving out friggen apples, So I was mad and I kicked her pumpkin and it busted on her sidewalk...they were probably mad lol
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Just tacky...
    These kids' parents are fully expecting them to go out and get candy. If their parents are OK with it, why aren't you? Why do you feel the need to impose your idea of healthy on others? It's great if you don't want to partake. But don't be one of "those" houses.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I was thinking about handing out HCG drops. :bigsmile:

    Ugh, I thought I was being original. Stop stealing my idea! :explode:

    Not doing anything at all.
    Sorry! :embarassed:
    Try handing out brussel sprouts with little notes about the cabbage soup diet tied lovingly to them.

    Brilliant idea! Or referrals to a doctor that does that 130 calorie drip thingamabob?
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I've got a huge bowl of "get the hell out of my yard you damn kids, can't you see my porch light is off???" waiting for anyone brave enough to ring the doorbell.

    THAT made me lol.................

    just give 'em "old man candy"..........you know, those pink mints and lemon hard candy that sits in your pocket collecting fuzzballs!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was thinking about handing out HCG drops. :bigsmile:

    Ugh, I thought I was being original. Stop stealing my idea! :explode:

    Not doing anything at all.
    Sorry! :embarassed:
    Try handing out brussel sprouts with little notes about the cabbage soup diet tied lovingly to them.

    Brilliant idea! Or referrals to a doctor that does that 130 calorie drip thingamabob?
    LMFAO cooked bacon and Atkins diet pamphlets.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    Agree Nutty!
  • what a good idea, buy something you don't like and you wont pick at it. I still don't know what I am getting. I love prunes so thats out of the question (for me and the kid). I' think of something in the morning.
  • My village has a policy that if you haven't decorated your house, they won't knock for trick or treat. There is very little problem with houses being egged over here - its just plain vandalism, and not tolerated.
    When we were kids, trick or treaters had to bob for apples or limbo under a pole to catch a doughnut that was tied to it, or something like that, you didn't get to just knock on a door and get given things... We used to love it!