absolutely miserable failing weightloss epically :(



  • twinmommy3
    twinmommy3 Posts: 28 Member
    What are you using for birth control? Could pill/IUD be contributing?
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    wow........ first give yourself a hug and a break!

    It's clear things are out of control and I'm glad you're here..... there are lots of people better qualified than me to help you, but I wanted to say we're here for you and if you need to talk message me :)
  • kirstyj1
    kirstyj1 Posts: 24 Member
    hi again im on the implant also the 3 pints of blue milk was before dieting i am now on 250mls of semi skimmed :)
  • starrstarr007
    I agree with a lot of things that have been said, and I also have to say... just take it one day at a time.

    I do agree you should get your thyroid checked.

    I also think that you need to look for a balance, give yourself a few things you enjoy, maybe you can have butter a couple of days a week in moderation etc.

    It sounds like you are working through an injury. I have to say it is really hard when you hurt, but may I recommend going to see a physical therapist (PT). I have had neck injuries, back injuries, write injuries and have dislocated my patellas 7 times (4 on the left, 3 on the right) and I am in pain every day, but the pain I have today is less than the pain I had last week. They will help you strengthen the muscles you need to support your injuries and will help you decide on good activities for you. I will say the weight I have lost has only made my injuries feel better... there is a light!

    It also sounds like your metabolism may be taking a nap - you need to look for foods that will boost your metabolism. I have heard biotin is supposed to be great for it, look up what foods have a lot of biotin (like salmon, tuna, carrots, nuts) and try to add those to your diet. Also if you can build muscle that will automatically boost your metabolism, this is something you should discuss with your PT, it isn't just about lifting huge weights, but maybe you wear hand weights while you clean, or start using resistance bands (I love them!!).

    Lastly - you have to drink water... I never thought it was essential, but now that I am paying attention, it makes a huge difference. You need water to help process fiber which helps with weight loss, water will also help keep you hydrated (in a way hot drinks don't) and that will help cut down on muscle pain.

    My final comment - this is a looooonnnnggg road and everyone is different. One week does not a diet ruin... it sucks I know, you work hard, you want results, but this is a life change, you have to try out what will work for you and what you can incorporate into your life forever. I promise you will not go the rest of your life without butter, granted you need to be in control of it, but that is what you need to decide for you. I would also start to take your measurments. I didn't lose a pound for weeks and weeks when I started, but then I measured and I had lost inches. Pounds are the only victory around here :)

    I am here when and if you need me, but stick with it, maybe just try a different (and calmer) approach. Good luck to you!!!
  • kirstyj1
    kirstyj1 Posts: 24 Member
    hi there thanks for your reply starrstarr007 i have been physio and hrydro therapy and obstetric surgeon for my back and pelvis it wasnt an injury they are still trying to find out whats wrong but had mri and shows i have scoleosis and hyperlordosis but think there could be pain in actual bones? as nerves look clear all i know is ive been told not to do something if it hurts and not just ache from lack of exercise but proper pain if that makes sense, im in pain every day too i get dsays where i think sod it im in pain anyway im going to push through im also on a lot of medications so that could be part of problem with weight loss but since just eating everything using the food diary and keeping within limit and eating back most exercise cals i have since lost 2lb this is not a huge amount but im so thrilled and will be even more thrilled just to keep going in the down direction XD
  • kirstyj1
    kirstyj1 Posts: 24 Member
    quick reply to all those since i posted this i have actually lost 11lbs!! i am so amazed and thrilled that something has finally worked and im going to keep on going x