Marathon Training question

For those of you who are marathon runners....

I'm getting ready for my second full at the end of November. I just finished 18 miles this afternoon and it went really well-- I did 18 last weekend too but felt like I needed another week here before adding more. Today I felt like I could've kept going another mile or two if necessary. I'm ready to tackle my 20 next weekend. That leaves me another weekend before my 2-week "taper" period.

I've seen some training plans that go up to 22 miles instead of stopping at 20. I know 20 is the traditional max but I'm considering doing one more long run and going for 22, depending of course on how next week's 20 goes. For my first full, I only went up to 20 in training. During the actual race I was great until I got to mile 23 then everything started to really hurt. I did some damage to my ITBand and couldn't run for about a month after. I'm just wondering if building my base up to 22 would help me avoid that this time around.

At the same time, my pace has been a bit slower than ideal. Due to some medical issues (had to take time off for surgery), I haven't been doing speedwork until this past week. Instead of the 22 miler, should I focus that last weekend on a faster, shorter (say 10-13 mi) run? Or just keep trying to get a night of good speed intervals in during the week?

I'm just not sure how best to make use of that extra weekend. I don't want to be "overtrained" but I want to be as prepared as possible this time around.


  • jyork5407
    I finished my second full marathon in October. IMHO, I would do the 22 miler. After my first marathon (Oct. 2010), where I also endured cramping/pain in the last 4 miles. I trained with a group and consequently trained at a faster pace than I probably would have had I not run with the group. Lets just say the whole time was speed work for me. I was in a lot of pain unable to run for about 2 months after the marathon - ankles and hip flexors. Anyway, I promised myself that I would always do at least one 22 miler before race day. Race day was hot as heck (85 degrees), so that probably also had a lot to do with it.

    Fast forward to marathon number two in Oct. 2011. I planned to make my second 20 miler a 22 miler, but ended up only getting 21 in. This summer was so hot for so long, a lot of my runs were slower than I wanted and cut a little shorter due to heat. I didn't do ANY speed work at all. Still, on race day, which was a BEAUTIFUL 60 crisp, cool degrees I felt AWESOME, ran a PR and finished feeling STRONG in the last 5 miles. My pace for the race was much faster than I'd run all summer. And, I was painfree and running again within a week.

    In short, I think Long Slow Distance is key. Speed work is icing on the cake. I would do the 22 miler and do speed work during the week. I think your pace will be there for you on race day.


    PS - I'd like to send you a friend request - trying to build my MFP community. Would love to have more marathon/runner friends!
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    This is what I was thinking but was looking for advice from those who've been there. Thanks!!
  • jyork5407
    No prob! I was typing my reply in bed last night and obviously too exhausted to be thinking and writing clearly. Sorry my reply was so choppy and hard to read! Which marathon are you doing in November?
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I'm doing the Northern Central Trail Marathon in Baltimore, MD. It seems like it's maybe a smaller event but has gotten excellent reviews. And it's an out-and-back on a rail trail, so it should be a pretty smooth run!