Eating your exercise calories!

Okay, I know why we are supposed to eat out exercise calories but when I was reading how many calories some of you burn a day it made me question if we are supposed to eat that much.

Say you set your caloric intake to 1200 a day. But then you exercise and burn 1000 does that mean you are supposed to eat 2200 calories?


  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Okay, I know why we are supposed to eat out exercise calories but when I was reading how many calories some of you burn a day it made me question if we are supposed to eat that much.

    Say you set your caloric intake to 1200 a day. But then you exercise and burn 1000 does that mean you are supposed to eat 2200 calories?
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Sorry if this seems stupid. I don't burn 1000 calories myself, not yet at least and I know that when I burn 200-300 I get excited that I get to eat 1500 calories instead of 1200 (though sometimes I find it hard to eat that much) So thinking if eating over 2000 and still being able to lose weight makes my head spin.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    ....but to burn 1000 calories would require you to do hours of exercise daily. I don't know if you could maintain that pace for long, unless you don't have much else to do. Most people are able to burn between 200-500 max daily.

    If you are referring to that one post where the woman says she burned 1000+ calories.......she never answered the question of WHAT she is doing to burn that many cals. She did say it took her 2.5 hours, though, and she is more than 100 lbs overweight.

    The weight drops faster when yo have that much to lose. It is also harder for her to do strenuous exercise, so maybe she IS able to burn 1000+ cals in 2.5 hours.:huh:
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    stop thinking about it and just go with the ride i am lol

    im not up that high for calorie buns either but as long as you dont do it all at the end of the day and you eat accordingly over the day it shouldnt be too bad.

    im loveing this site so far although will be on a break next mth and have to set me at maintain and hope i can eat that much as im going in for an op and so will probably not be eating much in the first week or two. but it will all work out im sure.
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    ....but to burn 1000 calories would require you to do SEVERAL hours of exercise daily. I don't know if you could maintain that pace for long, unless you don't have much else to do. Most people are able to burn between 200-500 max daily.

    If you are referring to that one post where the woman says she burned 1000+ calories.......she never answered the question of WHAT she is doing to burn that many cals. She did say it took her 2.5 hours, though, and she is more than 100 lbs overweight.

    The weight drops faster when yo have that much to lose. It is also harder for her to do strenuous exercise, so maybe she IS able to burn 1000+ cals in 2.5 hours.:huh:

    i hear you i have noticed the more i loose. the excercise i am doing is burning less calories so i have to step up the mark to use more calories. so i can have those little treats. its a good thing though
  • healthy_me
    I usually burn at least 900 calories a day, sometimes up to 1200 and I am not doing SEVERAL hours of exercise.

    I run. I run at at least 7.0mph with spints of up to 8.5mph for an hour daily. That right there burns over 800 calories and that's just one hour. Then I walk to and from work which is 25 minutes there, 25 minutes back. So basically I am being active for 2 hours a day. Yes I know not everyone is a runner and can run that fast for that long, but it's wrong to think that it takes several hours to get that kind of calorie burn in. It depends on your fitness level and weight. I'm 150lbs and 5'8.
  • 9726172000
    I usually burn at the gym about 1200-1600 cals and that is for only 1.5 hours sometimes for 2 hours and I do that 3-4 times a week. I weigh 209 and am 5-8". My husband he weighs 255 and he excercises for 2.5 hours 3 times a week and he will burn anywhere from 2500-3200 cals within that time frame. So yes it is possible for people to burn that many cals. It just depends on the excercises that you do and also it truly helps if you have a HRM. And we both love ours.:bigsmile:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I burned over 1600 calories yesterday b/c I cycled 22 miles, walked two miles and did a BodyPump class. I did not eat all those extra calories. I ate some but certainly not all. Listen to your body. It will tell you when it needs fuel. I try to fuel up before the warning light comes on. Eat the right things. Your body will talk to you if you listen.

    Usually I burn about 800 a day (5 days a week). Even then I eat some but not all of my exercise calories. I tried it that way and gained was too much food. I feel like I am pretty in tune with my body now and I know when I have not eaten enough. Just listen to yours and it will all work out!!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I burn normally close to 750 every day. I can't eat all those back. I make sure to eat over the 1200, and usually around 1400 or 1500. The I'm at a plateau right now but I've been working harder than weeks past, so I think the muscle is coming. The bike rides are getting easy.....
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    I burned over 1600 calories yesterday b/c I cycled 22 miles, walked two miles and did a BodyPump class. I did not eat all those extra calories. I ate some but certainly not all. Listen to your body. It will tell you when it needs fuel. I try to fuel up before the warning light comes on. Eat the right things. Your body will talk to you if you listen.

    Usually I burn about 800 a day (5 days a week). Even then I eat some but not all of my exercise calories. I tried it that way and gained was too much food. I feel like I am pretty in tune with my body now and I know when I have not eaten enough. Just listen to yours and it will all work out!!

    Thank you! That is what I was wondering. A lot of people say you have to eat your exercise calories. I just don't know if not eating them all would hinder weight loss.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    it's all based on your heart rate, if you can get up to around 80% max and keep it there, you will burn anywhere from 600 to 1000 calories an hour. That's a tough pace though. You really need to be in good shape to do this, and if there is ANY heart disease history in your family or if you experience any pain while doing this in the general chest area STOP and get it checked.

    for most people going at a 70% Max heart rate (a decent clip but not a crazy hard workout) you'll burn about 500 to 600 calories an hour.

    but remember the simple math behind a calorie deficit.

    maintenance calories + workout calories = calories you can eat in a day and maintain your weight


    to lose 1 lb a week (500 calories a day approximately)

    (maintenance calories + workout calories) - 500 = calories you can eat in a day and loose 1 lb/week

    and don't forget the Pretty Please Remember My Dear Aunt Sally rule

