Ladies' Weight Loss Support :)

Hey, I'm new here. :) I was just wondering - are there any others girls out there with a moderate weight loss goal? I'm currently at 129 pounds, looking to get down to about 118-120, hopefully before Christmas! That would be fun. Anyone else want to share their weight loss goal, tips, or just offer encouraging words? Here's mine: We can do this! ;)


  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    try insanity! I went from 150 to 134. tomorrow is my final day of the program, then off to something else! I want to be between 120-125.
  • hey! welcome! I'm also fairly new, so feel free to add me... I have been struggling with weight for years now, and its just now that i'm doing something about it.

    Just keep logging in, and keep your eyes on the goal! There are a lot of people here who would support you. :)

    I hope you have fun!
  • @ rlv2680 - Maybe I should get myself some of that insanity - it sounds like it's working. :) Congrats on your weight loss, and keep it up!

    @ marysajona - Thank you for the welcome! Ha-ha I already started logging my food for the week. I really just want to stick with it, you know? And good luck with your weight loss as well!