New to MFP, Tall 30's With about 25lbs to lose!

Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
I started MFP a couple of days ago, usually I intro myself on a board before jumping in, but I did it backwards here :)

At first I was going to just do this on my own, but happened across a couple of people I felt would be cool friends to have, and I decided to just go for it in meeting other people with whom we may be able to motivate each other.

As for me, Im 34, 5'10" starting out at 176 lbs and my goal is to be 150lbs by my birthday at the end of Jan. Thats a pretty even weight loss of 2lbs a week, which I hope I can accomplish.

I generally like and eat food that is good for me, mostly seafood, veges, but I do like my carbs. I never keep junk food in the house and not really into that, I do have a sweet tooth though. My big issue is not eating enough...left to my own devices, Ill eat one meal a day and drink lots of coffee, not good. So my goal is to eat more and get my metabolism going...

I also need to exercise...Im scared of it cause I build muscle really fast and look strong, which at my height just isnt feminine or thats something I struggle to find a balance with.

Last year I lost about 20lbs just from cutting out any packaged and processed foods, so Im going back to that as well. Another goal I have is to quit smoking...not so much for my health, but because I hate the way it smells. Not the best reason, I know...but any reason is a good one I guess, since it would be good for my health too....unless I turn homicidal and end up in prison. But lets hope for the best that doesnt happen. =)

I do have a horrible habit of, when life gets me down, I hide and go quiet. So please, if you friend me and I suddenly disappear someday, dont take it personal, and by all means, harass the heck out of me. Chances are Im curled up under my covers with boston creme donuts on my breath, so dragging me out of that would be a good thing. When Im not hiding, I am very involved and I will in turn harass the heck out of you too if I notice youve gone quiet. =D

On that merry note...glad to be here..and nice to meet you!


  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    welcome and good luck add me if you feel the urge...we can support each other (btw I'm taller than you)....a little at least!
  • Nice to meet you too! My name is Kristen and I'm 22 at 191 pounds I have been a part of this for two weeks. I want to be 141 by April. I can't help but to eat when I'm bored or if there is food out. So I found that writing things down on here makes me double think cheating. I hope you ave fun doing this I know I am! Good luck!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks so much for the warm welcomes! I added both of you!

    Kristin, you are heading into the military? What branch? Army vet here...!!! =D
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