My social life is ruining my diet!

Right, i'm good generally Mon-Fri and train 5 times a week. I always seem to have something in the diary that ruins it. I get on the scales on Monday and kind of wish i hadn't had so much fun, but then sitting at home all weekend and restricting myself is boring. I hate saying no to going out with friends and family.

How does everyone else cope with this?!


  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    I hear you. I have an over active social life too. I weigh myself on Friday mornings. That way I have at least 5 days to try and undo the damage.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Know your limits and save some calories for your social events
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Plan ahead. Earn exercise calories. Drink water in between cocktails - 2 glasses of ice water in between every cocktail. Be aware of what you're eating. You can still eat out without totally damaging your caloric intake. But you have to be smart about it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have no social life. I find this helps weight loss. But not sanity.
  • Sevendeuce
    How about being Responsible? You don't have to indulge, you know that. That's the only answer, be responsible.
  • galaxyfun1
    I am in the same boat. I have cut back on my social activities over the past few months but still try to get out at least one night a week to see friends if the opportunity arises.
    I am keeping Saturday as my 'FUN' day where I allow myself a little alcohol and some naughty food but I also ensure I do a good work out on Saturday morning so I don't feel I haven't had any exercise.
    I am finding Sundays my worst day as I am tired after partying it up on Saturday night. I have started making healthy soups and pies to freeze and I can eat them on Sunday's when I am feeling too tired to cook and it is really helping.
    I think you just need to try to find a balance that works for you and if you are working hard all week and trying to make healthy choices when you do go out things will come together in time.
    Good Luck :)
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I have no social life either...heck, MFP *is* my social life...LOL. Actually that's not entirely true, I do have a social life but food isn't a factor.
  • ineed2bskinny
    deffo weigh on Fri mornings!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Right, i'm good generally Mon-Fri and train 5 times a week. I always seem to have something in the diary that ruins it. I get on the scales on Monday and kind of wish i hadn't had so much fun, but then sitting at home all weekend and restricting myself is boring. I hate saying no to going out with friends and family.

    How does everyone else cope with this?!

    Maybe if you were not on a "diet" YOUR LIFE could fit into the way you choose to eat.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I go out and enjoy myself. I want to lose weight... not lose all sense of perspective.

    If you're training 5 days a week, you can cut back on your daily calories and build a deficit for weekend excesses. As you say in your profile, you're not looking to lose massive amounts of weight... just keep in shape and there's no reason why you can't have your cake and eat it too... literally!

    But you can also make sensible choices ... have a break between drinks and have a diet coke or slimline toinc or J2O... and then don't have a pizza or kebab on the way home :bigsmile:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have a social life. it rarely involves food. as others said save calories for planned eating out.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Right, i'm good generally Mon-Fri and train 5 times a week. I always seem to have something in the diary that ruins it. I get on the scales on Monday and kind of wish i hadn't had so much fun, but then sitting at home all weekend and restricting myself is boring. I hate saying no to going out with friends and family.

    How does everyone else cope with this?!

    Maybe if you were not on a "diet" YOUR LIFE could fit into the way you choose to eat.


    i eat everything in moderation, so my soical life fits in without any problems! you can still have a good time and follow a healthy lifestyle!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Ok. Lack of social life aside. If I know I am going to have a drink or 6, I food budget. I go for a long run in the morning, and I eat very nutrient dense, calorie light food, like quorn and greek yoghurt, so I get my protein but not many carbs. And I leave myself a good 900 cals for alcohol.

    It doesn't cover the post drinking binge, but I am getting better at not doing that.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Right, i'm good generally Mon-Fri and train 5 times a week. I always seem to have something in the diary that ruins it. I get on the scales on Monday and kind of wish i hadn't had so much fun, but then sitting at home all weekend and restricting myself is boring. I hate saying no to going out with friends and family.

    How does everyone else cope with this?!

    Go out, but behave yourself. Consider it an exercise in self control.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Try and set your calories to maintenance over the weekend. You will lose a little slower than the suggested loss a week but it will be easier to stick to.

    It shouldn't be a "diet" but more of a healthy lifestyle. Lot's of people have active social lives and you need to learn to control when is good and when is not.
    Do you go out both Friday and Saturday night? If you do, maybe limit yourself to just 1 night unless it's a special event.
    If you go out alot in the day, pick healthier options at restaurants/cafes, or plan nice meals to take with you.
    If you order takeaways, lots of places have the nutritional informations. Look it up and fit it into your daily calories (with maintenance this should be easier and you'll be less likely to just say "forget it" and go loads over.

    Can you not have rest days exercise-wise during the week and exercise over the weekend instead. If you're on maintenance as well, this will bump your calories up really high and you should have no problem staying under :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    heh i guess there are some benefits of having no social life
  • kassandra81
    Prepare for those times that you know you will be going out. I wouldn't be able to go out all the time, but every few weeks is fine. Being responsible with your food choices, that's all it takes. Custom order things for yourself, ask what exactly is in the food. I was afraid of doing this, and the first time I asked - I said I had allergies, lol. However, since then - I have no problem making changes to my meals at restaurants. I also only drink water, nothing else - ever. I would have had the occasional drink, but it wasn't a big thing for me to miss.

    Just remember that you're not going to stay home for the rest of your life, and being healthy isn't a short term ideal. This is a lifestyle change that has to take you through years to come. Good luck!
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Thankyou for all of the repiles. As some of you said, the word 'diet' was probably the wrong choice of word as i see it as just following a healthy lifestyle.

    This weekend was aprticvul;arly bad as i was staying at friends from Fri-Sun, so that's why i exercised Mon-Fri. If normally head to the gym over the weekend and have a weekday rest day. It just always seems something comes up! I eat pretty well and keep in my allowances until the time where i am out, always health breakfast and lunch and prepared snacks. Think i'm just feeling a bit low today and need some MFP love and support!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Weekend social events are hard for me too. I just make sure I get in a good workout first thing in the morning, and then don't worry about the rest of it. I'm sure I'd lose faster if I stayed home and was as good on the weekends as I am during the work week. But I'm quite positive I would not be as happy.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It's all about choices and it's all up to you.:drinker: