ideas for a light lunch please

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
im in need of light food i can have for my lunch :) i try and keep to under 300 cals. everyday i seem to be eating more or less the same stuff - ryvita/salad/soup/cereal! i just fancy a bit of a change, as it does get quite boring =/ just to let you all know in advanced, i do not eat bread. =)

thanks in advanced x


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    Do you like wraps? I often have a ham salad wrap which can be under 200 calories (if you use weight watchers wraps) and then there is enough calories left for a packet of snackajacks or similar!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Make a wrap in a corn tortilla. For example, salmon, or tuna. A leaf of lettuce. A spoonful of 0% Greek yoghurt. Or try a slice of ham, or chicken. Put the tortillas in the toaster oven at 350 bake for 2 min, and they are ready to go.
  • Soup. Progresso makes light soups. You can have the whole can for around or under 200 calories. I usually have it with some toast, but since you don't do bread, maybe some fruit.
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    I steam a few cups of broccoli (3 cups = approx. 50 calories!), and then put 2 Tbsp. of Kraft Calorie-Wise Italian dressing (only 5 calories per Tbsp!) on it....Sometimes I'll add just a tablespoon of light shredded cheese, as well.

    Without the cheese, the entire dish = 60 calories!!!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    MorningStar Spicy Black Bean Burger w/ 2T Peach Salsa on an Arnold's Thin is around 245 calories I think. Add some fresh vegetables and you'd be at your 300ish limit/goal.

    You could get pretty far with homemade vegetable beef soup, too.
  • mudar146
    mudar146 Posts: 146 Member
    Over the weekend I tried a fantastic new meal! Eggplant Mini Pizza's!! The recipe called for Zucchini but all i could find were the tiny ones. I just sliced an eggplant and put a bit of pizza sauce on it, turkey pepperoni and a little bit of mozzarella cheese! They were so good! I also had an English muffin with a bit of becel and garlic powder for my garlic bread. They were fantastic!! Someone gave me this website as well and this is were I got the idea along with a few others! :) GOOD LUCK!
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Do you eat crackers? My favorite lunch makes me feel like I'm eating loads for very few calories is:

    2 Jacob's choice grain crackers
    1 babybel extra light (cut in half, longwise-1 slice per cracker)
    1 low fat yogurt
    1/2 cup fresh fruit (berries or pineapple are my fav)
    favorite veggies and 2 Tablespoons hummus (I like carrots, broccoli, and zucchini/courgette)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Thomas' - Sahara Whole Wheat Mini Pita Pockets, 1 Loaf (28g) 70 14 1 3 160 0
    Lettuce - Cos or romaine, raw, 1 leaf outer 5 1 0 0 2 0
    Tomato - Raw, Red, 0.25 tomato 3 1 0 0 2 0
    Kraft - 2% Sharp Cheddar Cheese Slices, 0.75 slice 34 0 2 3 188 8
    Acme - Tea Bags, 1 tea bag/2 g 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Sugars - Granulated (sucrose), 0.25 tsp 4 1 0 0 0 0
    Butterball - - Deli Turkey Breast Low Sodium, 1 oz. 25 1 1 6 180 10
    Cal 141 Carbs18 Fat 4 Protein12 Sodium 532 Cholest18
  • Have you checked out the Hungry Girl cookbooks? I've gotten them recently and made a few things that were pretty good... Most of her recipes tend to be less than 300 cal and don't use bread. Also, I came across this really yummy marinated veggie salad recipe a few months ago. It's just whatever veggies you like (I used cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and green beans) steamed and then marinated overnight in fat free italian dressing. I don't know the exact calorie content but it's super low and really yummy.
  • Yam noodles with broccoli, mushrooms and sauce! So good! And yam noodles taste just like regular noodles, but with 0 calories and they're only made with 3 ingredients. Oh, and they're already pre-cooked, so you don't have to worry about cooking them. Just strain and pour your sauce over!

    They also have tons of recipes you can make with them too :)
  • Baked or grilled boneless skinless chicken breast lightly seasoned or any type of fish is high protein and very low calorie. I pair mine with fresh fruit and veggies.... you can eat a huge plate full for less than 300 calories. If you want a wrap, like the other poster said, I use corn tortillas for extra fiber and less calories. If you stay away from processed foods, you can easily eat a large meal with fresh ingredients.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    leftovers from dinner
    hummus or peanut butter wth veggie sticks
    brown rice with veggies
    soup - depending on the type of soup you could add a piece of fruit or some veggie sticks and still easily come in under 300 calories
    tuna or chicken salad on a bed of greens or wrapped in a large collard green or nappa cabbage leaf
  • Lettuce Wraps with a little sliced deli meat, tomatoes and a sprinkle of feta cheese and low fat salad italian dressing to keep it moist......or add whatever veggies you like......yum!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    I love tuna with cottage cheese and a chopped up tomato. Sometimes I have crackers with it. I usually use the sunkist tuna sensations flavored tunas for a little more added flavor but regular tuna is great too.
  • Yelswot
    Yelswot Posts: 9 Member
    There is a really good south beach recipe for a vegetable fritata that is light and awesome. Scramble eggs, place in a hot cast iron pan with non-stick spray, on low, add your favorite veggies on top (frozen stir fry veggies (broccoli, cauliflower,etc) are good). Don't stir, but season with granulated garlic ad black pepper (for low sodium). Then when it's almost set, top with some shredded or parmesean cheese. Broil in oven until brown on top. Really good, very filling, low carb and low cal. Slice like a pizza. Calories per slice vary depending on how many eggs or cheese you use, but if it's just eggs and veggies, it's really low! Refridgerate and eat for meals or snacks. I like to eat a piece with salad.
  • geri1955
    geri1955 Posts: 106
    Sometimes i prepare my meals the day before: I like cavatelli with broccoli- sautee garlic in a teas of margarine or spray butter or olive oil- then boil cav and broccoli in same water and there u have a low cal meal!! also I like turkey chili- or boca burgers!!! theres alot to chose from!!! go on for easy recipes!:smile:
  • Yogurt and apple.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Do you like wraps? I often have a ham salad wrap which can be under 200 calories (if you use weight watchers wraps) and then there is enough calories left for a packet of snackajacks or similar!

    yea i love wraps, but i can eat up to 4 at a time. which is not good hahha
  • petitedemoiselle
    petitedemoiselle Posts: 69 Member
    Veggie pizza is pretty simple. You could use tortillas or some just add water pizza dough. Top it with pizza sauce and your favorite veggies.

    I second the tuna recommendation. A tuna salad, some Ritz Toasted Chips, and a fruit salad is light. That should be easily under 300 calories if you skip the mayo in favor of Miracle Whip or something else.

    You could try brown rice, fish, and veggies too. Cook the rice, saute some onions and scallions in cooking spray. Add the fish and steamed veggies for a light version of fried rice.

    Hope that helped. :smile:
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Thanks all! I will try these :) im really fussy with food aswell, but i will defo give these a go :) thankyou!x