Uneven strength... right and left arms.



  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Best thing to do IMO is to just treat yourself as One body.
    Not left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg etc.

    Meaning train both side equally.
    They will balance out in time.

    You'll never get them perfectly equal though.
    I've been training for quite a while, and im still seeing differences between sides. Specifically between my right and left arms.
    My left arm is stronger. Not by a heap, but it is stronger. My right arm is actually the dominant arm.
    Size wise, they are almost the same now though.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Oddly for me, being right handed, my right bicep is stronger, but my left tricep is far stronger!

    I think i know why too. 3 years of walking the dog, pulling him back, etc...always with my left arm...
    Or the left hand is your porn hand.

    Oddly enough, my right hand is my gentleman's relaxer, so i thought that would have evened things up a bit, but it hasn't! Maybe i should "train" that more.... :drinker: