Anyone else wasn't allowed to celebrate Halloween growing up



  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I see a lot of post from people in the UK who say they don't like Halloween. I watched a program over the weekend and the day originated in the UK and was bought here by the puritans.

    Its not halloween we don't like, its trick or treaters. We Brits don't like people knocking at our doors without a prior appointment :laugh:

    Hahahaha, this.

    I went Trick or Treating once with my dad. That's probably one of my only happy memories of my father.

    I keep a bowl of sweets by the door for any kids that call but over the past few years they've just stopped coming around.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I grew up celebrating Halloween but married someone who didn't want to do it with our kids. We've had to meet in the middle because while I understand part of his position (religious) I also think that there are ways to just have fun and not do the parts he doesn't like. (And I'm way to big of a brat to give it up when I don't get it!) We used to take the kids to harvest parties but all of us got pretty burnt out on them. I think the year our house was broken into on Halloween night was the the last time we did one. After that we usually just buy some junk food and watch movies at home. This works for us because our Taekwondo school has a dress up night where we all do class in costume and have a great time. It's just a party disguised as a TKD class. Tonight Halloween actually falls on class night so it works out even better! It will be great advertisement for the school too since our doors will be open and we'll be handing out treats.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I se it as just an opportunity for kids to dress up in cute costumes and go door to door fro a treat. Nothing more. Too bad that zealots would want to read something else into it and take that away from the kids.

    Having said that, please don't enlighten me on the true hidden meanings. I am smarter than I look and very well read. I don't care what you believe; I just enjoy the social aspect.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    So another year in our household, our curtains are drawn & we're ignoring the door. My mother isn't religious but she has a hatred for Halloween. I've missed out on so many parties, I was never allowed to go. I used to sit on my parents windowsill & watch in jealousy of other kids dressed up having fun.

    Right now, I couldn't care less but I do think my mother was quite harsh. I wasn't even allowed to dress up or do anything. I think my brother & I are the only people we know who've never been trick or treating.

    I went trick or treating my first time when i was 17. Only aloud to for like an hour. Last time i dressed up i was 5. My parent's are religious so it had to do with that. Not much of a halloween fan personally but dressing up and the parties would have been fun to do.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I never believed in santa, but that was becuase my dad flipped out when he found out that santa wasnt real and didnt trust his parents for a long time and he didnt want to do that to me (now my dad is a santa! haha) but I have a friend whose mom subscribes the," santa is how satan spells his name when he wants to trick children" crowd lol
  • TobiasJamesRayner
    I see a lot of post from people in the UK who say they don't like Halloween. I watched a program over the weekend and the day originated in the UK and was bought here by the puritans.

    Its not halloween we don't like, its trick or treaters. We Brits don't like people knocking at our doors without a prior appointment :laugh:

    Haha, we don't like getting off the sofa for no reason :tongue:

    Uh huh. That too :laugh:
  • TobiasJamesRayner
    santa still brings me gifts even though im 18 and dont believe but its alittle fun u should try searching santa on on your comp/lappy in secret its so fun

    I wasn't allowed to believe in Santa either haha. Well not that I wasn't allowed, my mother never talked about Santa.
    When I was 6, I told my whole class that their parents had been lying to them & Santa wasn't real.
    I had a ballocking off a few parents for upsetting their children.

    I grew up not even celebrating Christmas at all because of religious reasons. When I was 15, my family celebrated Christmas for the first time! I was so excited to be able to put a Christmas tree up and have a stocking, now it's my favorite time of the year! And yes, it never made sense to me why we couldn't celebrate Christmas when it's supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus...

    ah yup, no santa here either. We did put up a tree. We got a couple of gifts but they were usually necessity things like socks or an outfit. I spent every christmas eve at a candlelight church service and most of christmas day at a soup kitchen or mission. I am actually really thankful to have gotten that perspective. I think everyone should experience that when they are going on and on about all the things they want. I do santa with my kids.... he brings ONE gift. The rest I do.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I see a lot of post from people in the UK who say they don't like Halloween. I watched a program over the weekend and the day originated in the UK and was bought here by the puritans.

    Its not halloween we don't like, its trick or treaters. We Brits don't like people knocking at our doors without a prior appointment :laugh:

    Wow really? So no unexpected company at all?