Sixers TRICKIN' Out Wk 4



  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    LULA - i'm juicing too in about 3 weeks time for 7 days. I did it before but only for 3 days and lost 6lbs (and kept off 4lbs and have since lost the extra too). I'm a bit nervous about 7 days, i think i'm going to be starving! have no energy and have massive headaches. How have you got on? what programme are you following?

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    LULA - i'm juicing too in about 3 weeks time for 7 days. I did it before but only for 3 days and lost 6lbs (and kept off 4lbs and have since lost the extra too). I'm a bit nervous about 7 days, i think i'm going to be starving! have no energy and have massive headaches. How have you got on? what programme are you following?


    Wow, there are programs!?! :noway: Actually, I don't have a program. My hormones and cycle have gotten so out of whack, which leads me to a vicious cycle of eating all the yummy badness, so it was for a reset. Had a rip roaring headache last night and early this morning, thinking it was the juicing. But then TOM came a few hours later, (thank goodness as the scale said I had gained 2 lb on 2 days of juicing) so I actually think the headache is from that. My only issues are sitting at dinner with my family. Yesterday I helped friends move and made a lasagna and cookies for everyone and then watched them enjoy it. It wasn't that I was hungry, because I had my juice, but it made me realize how much I mindlessly graze.

    I LOVE odwalla juices. I take a bottle of water, sip the odwalla, pour water in, and keep doing that, until the odwalla bottle is mostly filled with water. Gives me 12 oz of juice and 16 oz of water, and I am FULL.

    I determined that I'm not focusing on the weight part of it for right now, but just to see if I can get more energy and get myself regulated as I can't. Of course, didn't figure on having TOM, so we will have to see AFTER the fact.

    Let me know how you do :)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    already did JM shred lv 2. it's the only one on demand now a days. they cut a bunch of exercises. must have figured everyone was using them instead of buying DVDs. i just wanted something different. today was a run day.

    I also concluded in my thinking days. that when it comes to exercise, no routine is going to make it with me. i have tried. i get bored. my body gets use to it. i will only do zumba on regular days. other wise i am going to go with something that is at least 30 mins and be happy with what ever it is. i can live this way. for me if i regret having to run on a wednesday when i really didn't want to i won't do it again. i really like running. just some days i don't want to.

    had oatmeal on this cool morning. tasted so good. going to do some chores, shower and dress and do desk work today.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Quick check in...

    Got in a good run last night and did some yoga also! Little sore this morning. Planning on doing my strength/cardio workout tonight. And I'm 17 weeks today! Exciting!! My mom bought me a bassinet yesterday. We didn't use one with Kadence but decided since they will have to share a room, we will start with the baby in our room until he/she is sleeping better through the night. We don't want Kadence getting woken up every time the baby cries! So, pretty excited to get that!!

    ANYways...going to be super busy at work today so probably won't get to check in again until tomorrow! Have a great day!
  • emmele
    emmele Posts: 99
    Morning Sixers,
    Lots to do today! I have been having trouble getting back on track... so I need to put things back in place today. (the lack of groceries is ot helping the situation...)

    Lula and Clare - I have been thinking about doing some type of juicing / cleanse... just not sure I could actually keep it up for more than a day... and if I lost weight it would stay off... I may give it a whirl... I LOVE the Owalla juices too!!!

    Cathy - Great job, you are really on a great path to life long health and happiness... we all have to remember why we are doing this, and why it needs to be something we will be happy doing forever!

    Kristin - WOW 17 weeks already!!!! :)
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    Lula and EM - I'm going to have to google to owalla as i have NO IDEA what this is. I follow Jason Vale's programs, he's british but obviously hasn't made it across the pond jsut yet! heres his website if you want to look :
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    long 4 hour class tomorrow morning for the nutritionist/diabetes. need to leave here at 7:45 at latest. so let's see do an afternoon walk/run or something in the morning and feel rushed. wait to see how i feel in the morning. after class i am going to the commissary and have to get some prescriptions filled. hummm

    had a meatloaf with sweet potatoes, green beans. so full. tasted so good.

  • emmele
    emmele Posts: 99
    Good day today (so far). Went to the grocery store and got lots of good stuff. Going to start dinner soon... and hopefully take the dogs for a walk when the BF gets home...
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Kristin - you are awesome. Keep keeping that baby healthy.

    Cathy - I hope you have a very productive day.

    EM and Finn - this is my fourth day. Can't really tell if I'm benefiting or not due to TOM. But good news is I am not as swollen and not retaining a whole lot of water, which is good. But I'm still very tired and achy, but that could be the TOM. I guess I'll have to try it again in a few weeks without the extras.

    Not sure if I'm going to get a run in today as my body and mind are exhausted. Might just do a walk if nothing else. Going to be painting my baby girl's room tonight into her new "teenage" world (bright pink princess to "cool" purple and green), so that alone will be a chore.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    I've changed my name!! I am still Finnhead it is still me but I was a bit sick of it!!

    anyway, so last night I ran 5.3KM and then went out for dinner, was v. excited for dinner I was treating myself to steak and ale pie!!! I never got my pie because I nearly passed out in the restaurant and Adam had to bring me home. Felt rough. Still feel rough today. dont know what it was about but I am annoyed I didnt get to eat my pie!!

    taking it easy today. will log in tomorrow x

    Clare xxx
  • emmele
    emmele Posts: 99
    Morning Sixers - So gald to see everyone on the boards (or almost everyone...)

    Kim - where are you... come back!!! We miss you!

    Last night I went on another binge... I think it is the stress of me meeting tomorrow (they decide if I'm going to move on / if so I get my masters... YEAY... and another year or so and I will be Dr. Em... he he he... ) That is not an excuse just probably what is motivating me to slack off... today has started well... again... so I need to stay stong and keep on track tonight...

    Lula - I give you credit for sticking with it! I don't think it is for me... I would get too hungry and then go on some crazy eating spree... but keep it up, you are doing so well!!!

    Cathy, Clare, Kristin - Have agreat day!!!! :)
  • jdklove18
    I'm here, I'm here. I've been checking in and reading the board everyday, but not posting. This sickness has me so exhausted. I run around like crazy at work, and by the time I get home all I want to do is fall into bed. The scale has been nicer to me yesterday and today. I guess it just wanted to be mean for weigh in day. :( I'm still up, but not as much as I was when I posted my weight. I'm still lack of motivated, but I'm working on that. There are just some things going on in my personal life that have me a little down, and not wanting to do anything. Hopefully I get myself straight in my head, so that I can get myself straight in life. I've been being conscious of what I'm eating, but not really tracking everything here. I know that some days I'm bad, but I'm kinda giving it to myself right now. Hopefully I can get myself back on track, and not let myself have the bad stuff be ok.

    Since you all are talking about this juice thing, can someone explain it to me? I have heard of it before, but have no idea how it works. Might be something I could try. I feel like I need a detox, and this might be the way to do it.

    Em - hope the meeting goes well. Being called Dr. is a great thing. And I can tell you that speaking from experience :)

    Hope you all have a great day, and I promise to try and post more often! :)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    after some discussion with the dietitian i have my diet plan ready to figure out and put in place. i am going to start working on it and put into place on monday. so if the scale isn't nice on tuesday so be it.

    DH is taking tomorrow off, so we are going to the fair, and seeing john michael Montgomery and having gyros. we are going to the gym in the morning and doing a good workout, might go the tiffany lighting sale at shanells work.

    well, off to start my reading and putting a plan together.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy - Is the nutritionist prescribed by your doctor for to help manage your diabetes, or for overall health? I asked my doctor about seeing a nutritionist and he said I wasn't obese so I didn't need one. I couldn't seem to get him to understand it was about health not weight, but oh well. I'm proud of you for your positivity and planning ahead. Have a a great time at the fair with your hubby.

    jdklove18 - Sorry you are having a rough time. Remember, I am literally right around the corner. Send me a personal message anytime. Maybe a nice walk in our balmy weather will help a little.

    emmele - Surprisingly, after the first day, I wasn't hungry at all. I can be around food and feel completely satisfied with the juice. My only weakness is PB and last night my daughter had a Butterfinger beside me and I could smell it and it made my mouth water. There's been no great weight loss, and with TOM hard to tell the energy. I'll probably have to do it another time when my body is working at its full capacity to see the full benefits.

    finn - I thought we had a new person. But happy to see it is you :) Change can be fun.

    kristin - How are those two little darlings of yours?

    AFM: Daughter was sick yesterday so we lounged and watched movies all day. Nice, lazy day. Today, going to gym (might even walk/run there), then to conduct my Spanish bible study, then probably a good nap. Going dress shopping for bible assembly on Sunday. Been dreading the shopping and waiting until the last possible minute, but the inevitable has approached. Oh well.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    so i'm feeling much better after my episode in the restuarant.

    jdklove18 - take a look at this website it is an english website and the guy is english sells in britain but i think you can get some of his stuff from Amazon. Also, it'll just explain what the juicing is about. I'm starting on 12th November for 7 days
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    off to the gym in a few. letting breakfast settle some.

    lula...she is a diabetic/regular nutritionist. yes, my endocrinologist sent me to her for weight. during my little mind make over i realized when i ate starchy carbs my sugars went way up. but, eating sweets it didn't bother so much. also the scale was hard on me. so she was saying yesterday that everyone is different and has higher/lower sensitivity to the different carbs. so she put me on a 1600 calorie day, 45 carbs per meal, 15 for the morning and afternoon snack, 30 for the evening snack. 25% of calories from fat. i am also suppose to follow exchanges. i told husband last night i would spend the weekend putting together a chart to hang on the fridge for us to keep track. if i didn't change weight much by the end of the month i would make a one on one appointment with her and go see her again. maybe she can help me better without others around. they call your doctor before the class to get all your information, then when you get there you are weighed and gets a basic plan together for you and your numbers. everyone was different. we shall see.
    have you heard of a book called "made to crave" i just started reading it. it's about figuring out if you crave something else in your live besides food. i just started reading it myself. i am also reading another book. so it's hard for me to read two different ones at a time.

    well, need to get ready for the gym

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals!!

    Hope you are all well today!! Just wanted to pop in quick before I get started on my busy day at work!

    Been doing GREAT exercise-wise this week! Haven't missed a day yet! Spent some time playing outside with Kadence last night...which was fun! Glad the weather allowed it! Also did some yoga. My sister is staying over tonight, but I'm planning to get in my strength/cardio workout before she comes!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • emmele
    emmele Posts: 99
    off to my meeting - i'll check in later... i need to get back on track... this week has been one of the worst in awhile... i feel gross...
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    great workout with hubby. he took the day off. off to run a few errands and the fair tonightl
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    had a great time last night, ate and it tasted good.
    already did a workout this morning. DH and i did JM 30DS level 2. he did pretty good. it was only my second time doing it. it's the only one on demand at the moment. wanted to change his workouts up some.
    need to shower and begin the day nothing planned, maybe a dollar store trip. i do want to drive down to a new store the goodwill opened. it's nothing but computer parts and game systems. i need a s-video cable to hook my laptop up to the tv. son burned me a copy of zumba. for some reason it won't play on the dvd. i asked him to get me a copy of some of JMs dvds. he said ok, when he gets his computer working again. he's always messing with it and breaking the thing. geeks.....

    have a great weekend.