c25k question

melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I started the c25k program for the treadmill today. It said to walk for 5 minutes, run for 1 , walk for 1 1/2 etc. etc. I'm not able to run yet, is a slow jog okay? Or am I just defeating the purpose? I barely completed the first sessions before my treadmill broke :o( !

It was old, and let's face it, I'm heavy. Anyway, just wanted to know if a slow jog was okay?


  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Anything more than a walk is fine. This is for YOUR benefit, there is no set speed. This is to build endurance and get your body moving and used to expending more energy than you may have in a while. I did my first sessions this past week. I just moved as fast as I could. I did push myself harder when I knew I was almost done, but you do what works best for you.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    When you're starting out, the slower the better. Jog at the pace that allows you to complete the given time. The object of this program is to progressively get you running for 30 minutes straight w/o stopping. Speed doesn't matter.
  • MandyNellPark
    MandyNellPark Posts: 5 Member
    Of course!! Even when you're up to running a 5k, you should still run at a pace that you can hold a conversation. At no point during my C25K training did I sprint.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    I am starting the C25K for the treadmill today as well!
  • I will run on occasion but as the weeks go on I have found myself jogging at a slow pace. I do mine outside not on a treadmill though. Anything that pushes you beyond your comfort zone is great!!!
  • When you're starting out, the slower the better. Jog at the pace that allows you to complete the given time. The object of this program is to progressively get you running for 30 minutes straight w/o stopping. Speed doesn't matter.

    I wish I could convince my hubby of that. lol He likes to always tell me "run faster, run faster" I have to remind him that that is not what the program is about. lol
  • I did week 1 for 3 weeks before I felt I could get a grip on the running & breathing thing. Before I started (and had to stop, I broke my foot trail running when a rock got in my way), I hadn't run in 20 years - so go slow, take your time, and don't beat yourself up because you need to go slow. And most important - listen to your body!
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member

    This is exactly why I burnt out on the program the last time I tried it; I tried to "run" and I wasn't (still aren't) prepared for doing anything faster than a jog.

    The way I see it, I can worry about my pace once my body is acclimated to jogging. I can be a "runner" later, for now, I'll settle for being a "jogger"

    Good luck to you!!!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I am now on week 4 and there is nothing more than a very slow jog coming from me!!

    Th C25K website actually says the speed is not the main focus....but try to jog rather than walk if you can.... my jogging is actually still about the same speed as my walking but I'm definitely using more muscles and getting heart rate up.

    The speed will come.... just keep going :laugh:
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    I just started week 5 of my c25k training program. I love it! I haven't gotten to actually complete the full workout due to time limitations but I am up to 8 min of running and 2 walking. It feels so good afterwards. Good luck to everyone of you on this journey. Take it all at your pace. It's for your benefit and no one else's. Enjoy the trip!
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Anything that will get your heart rate up is a good thing. You are doing well. Maybe if the weather is fine you can try doing outdoors. It's hard because you really have to push yourself but it's awesome to be outdoors and enjoying some fresh air. Good luck.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    Jogging is running. Anything more than walking is running. Slow running is still running. Just keep telling yourself that. I remember how hard it was to run/jog that 60 secs in the beginning, and now I can run around 40 minutes straight (jog, whatever). You'll get there!
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Ive been running since May..5ks...8k coming up...half marathon in the spring. Youre a runner whether you started today..yesterday or 5 yrs ago. There are fast runners and slow runners...but you are one! Embrace it!
  • melanie_J
    melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys! That really cleared it up for me, now I just gotta get another treadmill and I'll be good to go!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    On my first round of C25K I did my walks at 3mph and my "running" was 5mph. As long as you're moving faster than your usual walk, you will progress.

    If you're not comfortable jogging, why not do 9 weeks of slow walk/fast walk, then go back and start over with a jog later? That's what I'm doing to get faster. Now that I'm done with my 3/5 intervals, I have restarted and am doing 5/6 intervals. Later, I will up it to 5/7.

    Learning to run is not something you have to do quickly. Take your time and have fun!
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