Most over-played songs (good and bad) in your town?

happy_travels Posts: 51 Member
I have always wanted to do this and for some reason it feels like a guilty pleasure. I make it a point to stay positive and refrain from complaining in my every day life but I have wanted to vent about the radio for a long time. I am just going to go ahead and do it. If you are like me and swear at the car radio on your way to work because you are in disbelief that they are playing the same song again, feel free to vent here too.

I am in Santa Barbara CA and the songs that are over-played right now are:

Pitbull Ft T-Pain -" Hey baby, drop it to the floor"

La la la la la la la.

Nicki Minaj -" Super Bass"

I actually like this song but it is on ALL the time.

Travie Macoy - " Billionaire"

I don't know why this song is still on so much! Its over a year old! I never liked it.

Adele - "Rollin in the deep"

I want to rip full chunks of my hair out when this song comes on. It is played on the radio AND at my work all day long!

Katy Perry - " Last Friday night"

Another one I liked but am now finding my self turning the station when it comes on.

LMFAO - "Party Rock"

OH MY GOD IS THIS SONG EVER OVER-PLAYED! When that robotic chorus come on I actually can't stop my self from doing the robot and that makes me hate this song more!

I am sure I will come back and add to this list as new songs get played out.