Can stand the people on MFP!



  • complete_tease
    complete_tease Posts: 214 Member
    Am I one of the only ones who cant stand to even read some posts? Like whenever anyone asks for "diet tips" or even at the name of HCG people just get plain rude! The poster may be new to losing weight and it should be ok to talk about. The forms should be open for all discussion not just "diet and exercise is the only thing to lose weight"

    Does anyone else feel this way too? This has just been bothering me for a long time!

    Well, one might argue that saying you can't stand people on MFP is rude.

    Hmmmm that is what I was thinking. I guess it depends on what you consider rude. The truth is hard to hear sometimes but that doesn't make it rude.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    There are rude people in the world. Thats nothing new.
    I get that out of thousands of strangers not everyone is going to be supportive of everything I choose to do.
    Why is it so difficult for adults to grasp that concept?
  • I'm fat, you're ugly. But I can always lose weight.

    And thats the brutal truth!

    So now go cry me a puddle so I can jump up and down in it while I laugh at your hurted feelwings!!

    Cuz internetz make me tuff!!
  • lacf86
    lacf86 Posts: 16 Member
    Oooooo, look how many angry, opinionated people crawled out of the woodwork to comment on this one!

    Mollycoddling people is no good for them; but on a site that is SUPPOSED to be all about positive support and encouragement for people trying to make a difference to their lives, there is a major difference between being straightforward and being unnecessarily harsh!

    everyone needs to chill the heck out and back off a bit...
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    the forums are open to a variety of subjects. that is not a secret. most of them do happen to be related to diet and exercise, because...that is what MFP is based upon.

    your topic is seeming a little too grumpy and judgmental for me...
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Oooooo, look how many angry, opinionated people crawled out of the woodwork to comment on this one!

    Was someone angry? I didn't notice. It's interesting to see what we, as readers, actually bring to the text we interact with...
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Oooooo, look how many angry, opinionated people crawled out of the woodwork to comment on this one!

    Mollycoddling people is no good for them; but on a site that is SUPPOSED to be all about positive support and encouragement for people trying to make a difference to their lives, there is a major difference between being straightforward and being unnecessarily harsh!

    everyone needs to chill the heck out and back off a bit...

    So do you advocate positive support for somebody that is doing something that is blatantly unhealthy in order to lose weight? :flowerforyou:
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    that is the nature of these kinds of blogs...some people probably are rude and others might be taken that way because they have a blunt way of saying things or maybe even a different sense of humor. i what you want to read and skip over the rest. i guess it isn't the place for really sensitive folks
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    Oooooo, look how many angry, opinionated people crawled out of the woodwork to comment on this one!

    Mollycoddling people is no good for them; but on a site that is SUPPOSED to be all about positive support and encouragement for people trying to make a difference to their lives, there is a major difference between being straightforward and being unnecessarily harsh!

    everyone needs to chill the heck out and back off a bit...

    So do you advocate positive support for somebody that is doing something that is blatantly unhealthy in order to lose weight? :flowerforyou:

    sometimes tough love is needed! right?
  • first time i came across a rude comment to something i posted was yesterday .. How did i handlle it .. I thought about commenting on the rude remark but thought better of it skipped over it and chose to focus on the other 23 remarks by people that were being respectful and positive and i forgot about the rude poster untill i read this post today ... Don't be discouraged by people who are rude... there are more positive nice people here than there are rude people .. Just roll with it .. :)
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Oooooo, look how many angry, opinionated people crawled out of the woodwork to comment on this one!

    Mollycoddling people is no good for them; but on a site that is SUPPOSED to be all about positive support and encouragement for people trying to make a difference to their lives, there is a major difference between being straightforward and being unnecessarily harsh!

    everyone needs to chill the heck out and back off a bit...

    ^^^^THIS!!!!! +1

    When I first joined I asked a question about a particular diet because I was curious and knew there were people on the boards that followed this diet and thought someone here would be able to answer my question. One person not following that diet advised me to "get up off my *kitten* and quit looking for an easy way out." This completely put me off the boards for a while and for several days I didn't look at the boards at all because of the impression I was given of people on this website. Then I thought that's stupid. It's one person not the everyone on the site. I started reading the forums and though I don't post as much as others, I've found there are way more nice, positive and supportive people on this site than those who are rude, negative and unsupportive. (For the record, I never did get an answer to that qusetion!)
  • sealed.gif

    I agree with poster. When I first came abord, I asked a few question,, I didn't like how I was dumbed down. But then, I agree with others -- it's the internet.

    Some of my "friends" are RUDE,, I am this close to unfrending some so-called friends.
    Catch 22,, it seems
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Readers must separate a work from its creator in order to liberate the text from interpretation.
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
    I agree. Some people on this site are so rude towards others. I know people have their own opinions on all the different diets out there but there's no excuse for rudeness!

    However it's only a select few who are cruel. All of my mfp friends are very supportive and seem like lovely people!

  • Sorry your feelings were hurt. Sending you a cyber hug!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Some posters make me feel like this:


    Others like this :


    Others like this:


    Others like this:


  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I agree with you. If you can't respond without sarcasm & being salty, don't respond. Everyone is at a different point in their weight loss journey & that is the benefit of this website, help from others.
  • Megthatgirl
    Megthatgirl Posts: 68 Member
    I love how its ok to be an A-hole in the name of being brutally honest! Just saying!! Theres a way to tell the truth, a way to not leave things sugar-coated... Its called having tact. Something a LOT of people lack on this site. If you cant be nice and supportive, or give information thats CORRECT in an informative way, rather than bashing people, then don't speak. Snide, nasty people fill the world.. We should be allowed to be safe from that here. MY FITNESS PAL, Not MY FITNESS A-HOLES! Get it? Got it? Good!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I tend to sit while dealing with people on MFP. It's hard to stand and type.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I've only ever seen meanness once and that thread was shut down.

    Even when someone msg'd me with unasked for advice I didn't put that as rude (more tactless and thoughtfully mean)

    If you're asking for advice you need to expect all sorts of advice. People aren't here to hold your hand, they're here to better themselves and help those who want help.