I ate about half my daily calories in Halloween Sweets

kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
Yeah, you read that correctly! Candy, cupcake, more candy... I need to work on my self control. Seriously. Thank goodness the candy will be all gone by tomorrow.

Point is, I'm going to have to exercise off some of those empty calories so I can eat a light dinner tonight and not go completely over my calorie goal.

What are some good exercises that I could fit in between the TONS of trick-or-treaters we'll get tonight (last year we had around 60 kids)? If it's still light out when I get home, I'm going to try to get in a walk/jog around the block until it's almost dark (I'll maybe get 30 minutes max), but I also want something low impact I can do after that so I'm not a creepy sweaty mess when kids come to the door (I'll be the one handing out the candy).

Let's skip the lecture about how I need to not eat candy (I know it's bad for me).

Anyone have any exercise ideas that will help me burn some calories without getting super sweaty? I have a list of good strength training exercises, but I'm hoping to find something that burns a little more calories.