I know...many posts like this, but not losing weight?

I have a 1200 calorie intake....most days I am maybe 20-30 under my intake and rarely go over it for fear of gaining. I try walking every day, and for about 3-4 weeks I was steadily losing about 15 pounds. I went from 214 on Sept 25th to 199 about a month later roughly. I try to get in either walking (burn about 200 cal) or elliptical training (burn about 500 cal) in each day, but for the past 2 days I have felt unmotivated to work out because for the past 2 weeks I fluctuate between 199 and 201 :(

What am I doing wrong? Not enough water? I tend to go over my sugar count but mainly in natural sugars like fruit. I probably don't drink enough water but would that cause a 2 week plateau? I'm really upset and frustrated, and feel like giving up already.


  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    dont give up i flucuate too i am around the same weight you are and when you do drink water you have water weight please dont give up you can do this. It is normal to go from one weight to the next throughout the week. make sure you are drinking water and watching your calorie intake like you are doing. exercising helps out alot. You can do this you are doing a great job. dont give up whatever you do.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    yeah. I'm with you. Sorry I can't offer any remedies, but I can sympathize! Just keep on doing what you're doing, don't use it as an excuse to give up! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    I have a 1200 calorie intake....most days I am maybe 20-30 under my intake and rarely go over it for fear of gaining. I try walking every day, and for about 3-4 weeks I was steadily losing about 15 pounds. I went from 214 on Sept 25th to 199 about a month later roughly. I try to get in either walking (burn about 200 cal) or elliptical training (burn about 500 cal) in each day, but for the past 2 days I have felt unmotivated to work out because for the past 2 weeks I fluctuate between 199 and 201 :(

    What am I doing wrong? Not enough water? I tend to go over my sugar count but mainly in natural sugars like fruit. I probably don't drink enough water but would that cause a 2 week plateau? I'm really upset and frustrated, and feel like giving up already.

    no, don't give up.
    you may be adjusting to the caloric intake and exercise level you are at. upp your frequency or intensity of exercise and continue to eat the same. if you don't see progress in a week or so, adjust your macros: maybe lower your carb ratio and up your fat or protein. wait another week and check it again.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    These questions go way easier if your food diary is open. Is the 1200 net or gross?
  • casie05
    casie05 Posts: 48 Member
    your body is probably holding on to the fat b/c it's starving...that's what it does when you go below 1200 calories a day..Its thinking it's in "starvation mode" so it holds onto the fat. You have to train your body to trust that you're putting enough into it that it can release the fat other wise it won't.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    You should make your diary public. Some people may catch something that you haven't noticed.

    I understand the frustration (just came out of a 3 week plateau myself), but giving up is nonsense! Even if you're not losing, that's much better than gaining, right? Ask yourself: do I want to go back to where I was?

    Lastly, plateaus sometimes happen even if you're doing everything right. The weight will eventually come off... UNLESS you give up!
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    The 1200 is net...I'll try to figure out how to open my diary. I'm quite new..apologies
  • I am in the same boat and it is so depressing :(, I exercise my *kitten* off 8 hours a week and eat around 1450 calories per day. Had a perfect day last week jumped on the scales and NOTHING argh so frustrating. I limit carbs, focus on eating more protein, and eat very a clean diet, I also drink lots of water and vary my exercise so that my body does not get used to doing the same thing each week. My weight loss approach is textbook perfect but at the end of each week I have nothing to show for it... so I completely understand how you feel like giving up.

    Just try to focus on other benefits of your weight loss journey like feeling healthy and happy, glowing skin and hair, and how much you have achieved so far. I know it is so hard to keep on going when your not seeing any results, but this will make us stronger people, it will make the day that we reach our goal SO much more rewarding. Not to mention how proud we will be for NEVER giving up.

    Chin up we can do this, I believe you in guys :)
  • If you are just watching your calorie intake and exercising and you continue to plateau you may want to consider what some people try. A Plateau Breaker. http://www.diet-blog.com/06/5_ways_to_break_a_weight_loss_plateau.php

    I my self have been on the HCG diet and when we plateau we have certain correction days to perform to break Plateau's or bring our weight back down to the correct number. For those just google HCG Correction days or Plateau breakers. One of those may be just enough change in your diet to help you too. I my self prefer using a Atkins Fat Fast. Being a Type O Blood type and also having Hypothyroidism. The FF works best for me as a correction day and plateau breaker.

    Good luck I know after 5 Hcg rounds and over 70lbs lost, that a Plateau's is the last thing you want to have happen for any length of time.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I'm actually very skeptical as to how healthy it is eating 1200 cals. while someone's BMR is higher than that.
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    Well, mfp is the one who gave me that calorie limit lol based on my height and weight. If they are wrong I'm not sure what to do :D