sweet potatoes vs regular potatoes



  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Sublog, Wolfram is awesome. I took the liberty of putting them on the same page:

    I'm kinda shocked, Russets are more calories, but, more fiber, protein, and less sugar. I have to rethink this now!


    - Mike
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Sweet potato fries are one of my new most favorite things. Cutting the raw potato is a challenge because they're so hard, but making them is easy. Spray a cookie sheet with butter flavored Pam. Spread the wedges/fries out & spray them on top with the Pam. Bake them at 350 degrees or so until done (approx 20 min). They'd probably get done quicker at a higher temp, but I usually put them in the oven with whatever else I'm cooking. Sprinkle with cinnamon (6 calories/tsp). Fabulous!

    This! Sweet potato fries are the best!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    I'm kinda shocked, Russets are more calories, but, more fiber, protein, and less sugar. I have to rethink this now!


    - Mike

    I truly think that the reason most people choose sweet potatoes is because of the myth that glycemic index is important to weight loss, which for the vast majority, it isn't, IMO*

    * = Not sure if it even matters for people with diabetes or glycemic/insulin issues, so I should go learn that.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    GI is not inherently significant to weight loss specifically.

    As someone who was well down the path of metabolic syndrome, it had practical application in dealing with hypoglycemic episodes and was overcoming insulin resistant tendencies.

    Exercise also played a major factor in better regulating blood sugar. Dropping close to 50lbs also helped. The blood work bore out all three tools work well together.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I know that sweet potatoes are better for you but can anyone explain why to me please? I've looked at the nutritional info for both on MFP and they seem almost identical, certainly in terms of calories, carbs and fat!

    I have a baked potato nearly every night for dinner but don't have time to cook it from scratch so bulk cook a load once or twice a week and just reheat them as needed (no microwave). I tried to do this with sweet potatoes but didn't realise that they don't reheat well - just a kind of greyish slime inside when I tried it!

    So, any opinions? Are regular potatoes okay for you? Are sweet potatoes really so much better?
    Yes regular potatoes are good!